You are very astute, sir.
You are very astute, sir.
A BIG problem with the Vitamixes that no one bothers to mention is that you can't put them on your counter since they don't fit under regular kitchen wall cabinets. Kitchen cabinets are usually 18" above the counter, and all Vitamix blenders are 20"+. So unless you have a kitchen island and you are willing to waste…
A BIG problem with the Vitamixes that no one bothers to mention is that you can't put them on your counter since…
At what point does this poll take into consideration that 90% of the people voting are most likely the people who have that particular product and haven't tried any other product. I have the blend tech but I'm not going to vote because I don't know which ones better.
At what point does this poll take into consideration that 90% of the people voting are most likely the people who…
This seems like pretty misinformed advice.
work = do
It seems self-explanatory, but it's a nice reminder that regardless of how you think inspiration and creativity work, it's really all about trying repeatedly until something works.
In my apartment, if I face my window fans out, it will recirculate the indoor air, including the air from smoker's apartments. Facing the fans in is the only way I can keep smoke free in warm weather. In winter I cannot be totally smoke free because I cannot run the fans, but leaving the windows open helps a lot,…
No phone with a camera? If you are nearsighted (myopia), make a tiny hole with your hand and look through it. A hole the size of this "o" will work.