Don Dz

DashNotes | Chrome Web Store via AddictiveTips

I suffered some of my worst burnout while pursuing a college degree in doing what I love (the subject matter was too close to my heart I guess). Then I got married, personal life got better, the burnout lifted, did better in college, at least for a while. Until we started fighting . . .

It seems self-explanatory, but it's a nice reminder that regardless of how you think inspiration and creativity work, it's really all about trying repeatedly until something works.

In my apartment, if I face my window fans out, it will recirculate the indoor air, including the air from smoker's apartments. Facing the fans in is the only way I can keep smoke free in warm weather. In winter I cannot be totally smoke free because I cannot run the fans, but leaving the windows open helps a lot,

In my apartment, if I face my window fans out, it will recirculate the indoor air, including the air from smoker's apartments. Facing the fans in is the only way I can keep smoke free in warm weather. In winter I cannot be totally smoke free because I cannot run the fans, but leaving the windows open helps a lot,

What I need, and I imagine many others do, is to be able to feed the software the *sound* of the song (by humming, playing an instrument, or using a mp3 or midi file), and have the software identify the name of the song so I can search for it on youtube.

I have found the best method for me for organizing notes is a linked system. On different platforms I have used this has been an internal link, and/or a Wikilink, depending on software. On Evernote, they have a very useful note linking system which can be applied to multiple notes at once, thus creating a table of

Wow, I thought this was a joke post, it actually works! Anyone care to explain why? I learn something new everyday. :-)

You can learn to play certain instruments like the guitar and piano online, if you have the dedication, discipline, and a certain amount of talent., though a teacher is best.

This is an excellent inspirational piece, but it is not a "How to", in that respect the title is misleading, unfortunately. It is telling us to focus on the result (falling in love with the boring process), rather than the "how to" do so.

Is it possible you are in love with the "results" of the exercise rather than the "process", because you can see reasonably quickly see the connection between your specific efforts and results, but not so with finding a rewarding career, because you will not see results in a long time?