If Douglas knew that forced sexual contact was going on at his show and didn’t stop it, he’s not a prince and didn’t treat women well at all, even if he didn’t personally carry out any of the attacks on women employees.
“I’ll show my tits when I want to,” she concluded
Sorry guys. I’ve blocked and dismissed.
Hey cool thanks for confirming my deepest fear.
I’m so glad this has become a meme
Rihanna is the most important millennial of our time.
It's difficult to believe they would even advertise. What happened to good old nepotism? Surely the job will go to a relative of a current staffer. Hell, I live in a Capitol city in the U.S. and you can't get a job as a janitor in any gov. building (which is most of our buildings) if you don't "know" the right people.
That can’t be right, I watched a documentary when I was a kid about how all dogs go to heaven.
And children wouldn’t be sexually abused if they weren’t such pathetic little wimps. Why don’t they fight back harder?
Yep, that’s why no man ever has been raped, no drugs have ever been used to limit people’s ability to fight back, and rape is solely a thing that occurs in a dark alley when a tiny defenseless woman is attacked by a big strong man!
My father is a rich man
He wears a rich man’s cloak
Gave me the keys to his kingdom coming
Gave me a cup of gold
How many times do they have to tell you they don’t start serving lunch until 10:15? Your fault at this point imo
Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.
Fuck this asshole. My daughter is autistic. She has been autistic since she was born. I knew there was something different long before she got the MMR vaccine. My daughter being autistic is just who she is. She sees and processed the world differently. That’s okay. I wouldn’t change her even if I could. To me it…