
With FWD, it's kinda frustrating, but fun.

Interesting, because this in a way verifies what I was thinking, although I've been to the crash site.
This would say the car caught air, while going sideways, wheels full lock, landed hard, and instantly going toward the curb/wall/tree.

They were going downhill when they skidded.
My guess is the car was going MUCH faster than 90, assuming it caught slight air, landed, and that's when shit hit the fan.

Think VW GTI aftermarket

There are twin engined classics too....

Same reason they won 2 years in a row.

I'm hoping for a hoax.

The fences were torn down at tOSU. Turns out, they were secured only by ZIPTIES.

Meh. That car is at LEAST 30 years old.

Still no TVR Sagaris.....

such stunts
much red
many rarity
it is drive
good day mate

That's NOT a road.

This happened thousands of years ago. Never too soon!

It's the effect that makes it appear similar to cutting aluminum foil.
Did you watch the video??

Also the most versatile.
Where do I claim my prize?

Fucking Hipsters.

I travelled halfway around the globe in 25 hours. I have proof of this.