
The said individual wrecked his at 60 MPH, and was killed instantly.

I would LOVE to get one, but your odds of surviving a collision at ANY speed above 35 MPH is slim to none..

Have you driven, or even riden in a new MINI?

Not much. I've seen some for about 7800 dollars.

Aaaah, a Eunos.

The Goatse reference was better lol.

The Toyota Hilux have these as well.

E36 at its best.

And here I was thinking, "what kind of car did he hit at 100MPH left that minimal damage?"

It was probably a VW

You and I both

45k if you look harder...

The DB9 is about the same price.... But idk if a V12 can fit into a 60k budget.. Maybe a DB7

They all go by a "rule of thirds" when it comes to styling.

Done it. Still slow.

Amazing story, glad to hear you were reunited with something much more than just a machine. Speechless

Can you imagine having to parallel park that in between two Rolls Royces?

Wow. I wish I had those kind of problems..... Geez

Love that picture!

Holy crap, it seems we both have an addiction. I've been scrubbing the forums on these for so long....