And an old Porsche is?
And an old Porsche is?
True. Just because first gen Miatas and old ass Datsuns aren't as appealing as they were ten years ago, does NOT mean car culture is dying out...
Atlanta area
Where did you find that picture?
Afterburners at 2:43
Oh ok. I'm still used to the console shifter
Oh. That shifter location bothers me...
Holy crap! Do the shifters REALLY look like that?!
Hidden in plain sight. I like it!
I agree. The memes are just fucking ridiculous.
Whoa. The old Mercedes diesels are one the MAIN cars hipsters drive. They are old, and European. Hipsters love old European stuffs. Prius' are too mainstream.
I'm sure it is. I want to apply, hmmm I think I'm going to.
You know, I actually thought long and hard about applying to GA Tech up there once I'm out of the military, but figured there were way to many distractions there for me to study there. But now I just may do it lol.
Wow that's pretty crazy. I'm in Atlanta a lot, actually, usually in or around downtown, (brother goes to Morehouse) and Lawrenceville. I live in Florida, 5 hours away, but man, I tell you it is worth it, even if it is near impossible to beat that rush hour!
Truth. My uncle lives about 25 minutes from the center of metro Atlanta, in Gwimnet county to be exact. Gonna be there next weekend. Can't wait. Love ATL!
Yeah I understand. It is what it is. Just crazy how they got away so cleanly.