I don’t want a free pass on that behavior, I want an outlet for that behavior that is acceptable.
I don’t want a free pass on that behavior, I want an outlet for that behavior that is acceptable.
Good for you, you are able to suppress your instincts. You’ve never wanted to win a game in your life, you’ve never gotten angry at anyone, you’ve never done something really stupid on a dare, etc, etc.
So I show you scientific research that literally says that those behaviors, due to a chemical in the body, “remain in man, attenuated and suppressed by familial and social inhibitions, but still manifesting in various intensities and forms from thoughts, anger, verbal aggressiveness, competition, dominance to physical…
The Presence of an Attractive Woman Elevates Testosterone and Physical Risk Taking in Young Men
Fully support men being more open and being whoever they are but:
Meh, the broad strokes are there and we are never getting another book from GRRM, so this is how the story ends.
So someone accuses a celebrity of sexual misconduct and other than the initial blurb in the first paragraph, it’s never mentioned again. I thought we were suppose to believe victims?
Managers always frame things this way (and that is what Trump is, a manager). I’ve been “on strike” before in my union, but it isn’t what happened. We were actually locked out, we said we would continue working on the current contract, they said no, locked us out and then told everyone we were on strike (since we did…
The peanut thing is weird because it’s true more people have peanut allergies nowadays, but they have those allergies because they weren’t exposed to peanuts enough as a child.
Don’t put much stock in Campbell.
They are trying, they are instituting a good, probably workable solution. Wishing there was a better way is great and all but it’s not a concrete plan of action that can be easily instituted and quickly scaled while still respecting the rights of all human beings.
Some have argued, throughout the week, that Munday’s partner instigated the physical violence by throwing a piece of cardboard, but others have pointed out that hitting somebody in reaction to that is a seriously questionable escalation.
I do the same. Always get everything you can in writing, especially in any corporate structure. I work for a post secondary school and I make managers/supervisors e-mail me when they want something done or they are trying to change a policy/procedure/etc. They will tell me something to my face and a lot of the times I…
Just depends how quickly they can adapt to moving on the ice. The actual technique of throwing stones isn’t all that hard. It’s controlling your body on the ice that really matters. If you watch them, you can tell they still aren’t use to the ice. They are spending focus and time on balance with each throw, which…
Loved it, as always.
The media has had a lot to do with Trump’s rise and they should be harder on him to his face but he is president. It is dangerous to suggest that he shouldn’t be held accountable, even if that literally just means reporting every single time he lies.
“Japan had a post war baby boom between 1947 and 1949. The law of 1948 led to easy access to abortions, followed by a prolonged period of low fertility, resulting in the aging population of Japan.[4] The dramatic aging of Japanese society as a result of sub-replacement fertility rates and high life expectancy is…
Every single 1st world nation is heading for the exact same scenario. It’s why overpopulation is a myth. Basically there are 4 phases to population growth:
Oh yeah, I’ve always said that if someone tries to mug me, they can take all my shit. Hell, I’ll strip naked and hand them everything I have on me. Why?