
I don’t think that’s what cringe is at all. Cringe at its core is the feeling of relating to something embarassing. It’s not about trying to annoy or disgust someone. It does tend to cause some discomfort, but only because it makes you empathise with the discomfort of someone else. It definitely often is caused by

I am honestly not that exposed to the fandom, so it doesn’t bother me, but it can be difficult to remove an association with something once it’s been embedded in your mind.

Honestly, it’s not even the lack of different voices, but the fact that the Morty voice always seems to have the exact same characterisation. It was funny at first in R&M because the nervous stuttering and genuine uncertainty in the voice was pretty original and not something I’d seen before in animation, but now I’ve

This is a strawman. You can fly first class and take substantially less fuel than a private jet.

“private jet flights are harder on the environment than almost any other action an individual can take (while still being a tiny fraction of the emissions put out by the fossil fuel industry)“

That’s not at all as insignificant as you want to make it out. If you slice something down enough it will always be small. It doesn’t change that airplanes, and especially private planes, push out huge amounts of carbon for the time they spend in operation.

This has a lot less sway in the court of public opinion though. Normal people don’t know the CEO of Walmart and don’t really care. They aren’t going to Walmart because they think the CEO seems like a cool and relatable person the way they do about musicians or actors they like, so they also don’t really care if the

I don’t advocate for gatekeeping and if someone really wants to just watch the last episode of a series because that’s how they enjoy it then I won’t yuck their yum, but I do dislike that someone is influencing others to join them in doing that, especially in advance of trying it. I think that it will actively detract

That’s true, but I think it was also taken to another level with streaming. CDs *allowed* for more bloated albums, but streaming actively encourages it. I do actually think this one in particular is guilty of being a bit overly long. There’s some decent songs on there but it feels like a lot of not particularly

That’s not really the point. Sports fans have earned “sports ball” jokes too. It’s just that a jab that was once kind of clever and funny is now just stale and basic. So many people with nothing to add have made the same joke so that it that it’s now just a cliché.

I think it’s less about the hearing aids and more about the fact that he went and lost them down the back of the couch. Added to the earlier scenes of Steve getting confused at the market and shouting loudly and angrily like a moron in front of her cool college professor (first time he’s appeared on screen in weeks

Steve is happy eating ice cream and watching TV. Even though he clearly would like to have sex more often (as indicated in the one scene where Miranda attempts to initiate and he’s into it), he’s content even without it. He doesn’t know she’s unhappy because in true SATC-expanded-universe fashion, the last person any

It does feel very disjointed. In this episode, there were two scenes of Carrie meeting her publisher almost back-to-back, with her not appearing in anything in between to have the plot move along. It made it feel like the two meetings must have occurred before and after lunch or something, but as the scene went on it

I remember thinking in this episode that the amount of clothes she owns is really closer to hoarding than any kind of quirky personality or a testament to just being really into fashion.

I thought her reaction was a bit ridiculous tbh. If it was that important to her, you’d think she’d have talked about it at some point over the several weeks they were together. She was the one who initiated the first encounter, with Miranda never even hinting anything close to having been in an open marraige, and

I personally thought that the most ridiculous part was her ex-boyfriend agreeing to just give her his own apartment without question as part of the breakup.

>She alleged that Rogen “bribed” her with a bigger role and heftier paycheck after she threatened to quit their 2017 film The Disaster Artist over the first wave of sexual misconduct allegations against Franco.

>She alleged that Rogen “bribed” her with a bigger role and heftier paycheck after she threatened to quit their 2017 film The Disaster Artist over the first wave of sexual misconduct allegations against Franco.

Rogan might say stuff like that, but it doesn’t mean the message doesn’t still sink in to a lot of people. He’s got millions of fans, and for the most part, even the ones who might not think he’s that smart at least generally think of him as very genuine and honest, and that his opinions have at least some merit.

Posthumous Oscars are rare because posthumous nominations are rare. It’s not that often that an actor puts in an Oscar-level performance in a film and then dies before award season, but once they have been nominated, a win is not particularly unlikely. I don’t buy that this is an apology for not giving him an award