
Well Killer Joe got an NC-17 too for some reason, and Shame didn’t give us any cunnilingus as far as I can remember. I just find the inconsistency bizarre. Blue Valentine gets NC-17 for oral sex, but The American doesn’t for some reason.

Honestly, the “God” of this movie isn’t even particularly inconsistent. Just that He is pretty darn unknowable and keeps His motives hidden for most of the film. His constant invitations for more people and inability to send them away or really punish them is consistent throughout the film.

You know what they say: write what you know.

Yep, there’s a lot of Bible stuff in here with some elements that are very blatantly allegories for stuff, especially from the book of Genesis. However, I don’t think the overarching plot really holds up as an allegory this way.

There were only really two scenes that I thought were particularly violent. One happens relatively early and one happens quite late. Neither are particularly long though. There is however, an extended sequence with a lot of loud noise and sort of riot-style violence which is pretty intense, even though it doesn’t

Make way for Willie!

“Does he flat out state it at one point or do you just glean it from the weird shit that’s happening?”

Honestly, the idea that this film is even about Christianity will probably fly right over the heads of most mainstream audiences. Even the idea that it is doing so is debatable because the allegories are quite vague, and attacking Christianity too directly (particularly on a fundamental level rather than just

Honestly, I don’t think it really deviated that much from the Biblical version of the flood. The main thing that seemed out of place to me was the weird rock monsters, but they were a relatively minor part of it and apparently they’re part of some kind of Jewish tradition anyway. I think it failed with the

By the time that happens, absolutely nobody will be working any more. There won’t be a service industry, that will be replaced much earlier.

But that basically boils down to “it’s difficult”. You have to make a real commitment and invest a lot of money to make it work at all, but it would still have some positive effects on the communities if you did. In contrast, “bringing back coal” is never going to work at all because of the economics of the situation,

“And, besides, Oliver now opens EVERY episode with a segment about Trump.”

“All the cool comic and pundits and thinkers, on the left especially, South Park especially, decided years ago that the worst people, the most mockable, the most pathetic and the target worthy of scorn, was the left.”

I don’t really remember them ever making fun of Obama in any way either. There was an episode about Obama going on some kind of a heist, but that was just absurdist comedy, it was hardly satire. And they made a joke once about Obama liking Tyler Perry movies. Even the George Bush 9/11 conspiracy episode was more

“it’s hard to think of another explanation.”

This is honestly just kind of depressing. I used to love going through these comment sections and lurking. Even for older movie and TV shows I was just catching up on, it was fun to read the discussions. Now they’re all gone and replaced with what I’ve always considered an inferior commenting system. I just can’t see

I also really don't like the wisecracking comic relief friend that Natalie Portman's has as a friend. She just feels like she's there for no reason other than to crack jokes.

In the MCU there really haven't been any genuinely weak movies since the first phase though. Except maybe Thor 2.

If you've seen enough of them (and I imagine most critics have seen all or nearly all of them) it does also become hard to picture it from a complete outsiders perspective though. It's hard to imagine watching Civil War with absolutely no knowledge of who Captain America or Iron Man or Bucky are.

At the same time though, the X-men series continuity kind of makes no sense and is riddled with inconsistencies and errors. It's more just that the characters themselves have mostly been the same.