
Yeah I can't imagine it would have hurt their potential sales that much either. I'm just hoping that down the line some third party developer figures out how to make generic USB controllers work with it. Apparently it's already been done on PS4 so you never know.

It's been 12 years and I still haven't forgotten "giant enemy crab".

Oh you're right. I forgot that they'll probably also remove that bit where Jonah Hill has sex with the mascot.

If it happened and I knew about it, I'd probably just delete it and move on.

In a way they have more influence. Kids get really attached to Youtube stars in ways they never did before with other stars, which is why they can do stuff like procure child pornography without even needing to threaten them.

So will sending him to jail.

I think John and Hank Green have been a pretty consistently positive influence and they've used their fame to help promote education.

I mean, most of them don't have any of this kind of crap happening to them.

Paedophiles: Not just in old media anymore!

Oh no, not a clean version of Moneyball. What would it be without that scene where Brad Pitt brutally murders the Red Sox with a baseball bat?

I think the latter is harder to empirically disprove, just because there is no unit of measurement on trust.

I thought the network slogan was "Watch Fox and Be Damned for All Eternity"

Considering your racist high school classmates heard it from Fox, it's basically just cutting out the middleman.

It's funny that by dropping the pretense of honesty, they've actually become marginally more honest.

4K is still not what the vast majority of even hardcore gamers are bothering with. Aside from the fact that 4K PC monitors still cost a fortune at 60fps, almost nothing new runs at 60fps at 4K no matter what hardware you have. In general, PC gamers tend to care more about framerates than resolution.

I think it's fair to say that he wouldn't have been so content with packing his bags and moving to Nebraska if he had a romantic partner to leave behind.

No movie bed is complete without them. Hollywood knows what the people want, and what the people want is exclusively male nipples.

Well they definitely aren't still business partners or in any sort of a romantic relationship, I think that's fair to say.

2-3 hours is also often more than I get on my phone playing what are basically 2D flash games.

They're sticking with the usual PC hardware convention of "the more Xs it contains, the cooler it is".