
They were in the past, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if Nintendo makes a completely new Switch in 2-3 years with stuff like a bigger screen, higher resolution etc. when they become cheaper to implement, and to iterate on that from there.

I expect it will become the new business model tbh. Apple and Samsung do it with phones, and people are happy to buy a new one of those every 2 years so of course others will say "me too!". Rather than the old console system where it was supported for 5-7 years (with some minor hardware upgrades) and then the game

I really, really, really hope it does still allow multiplayer in some format. I had some of the best Mario times off all playing 3D World as a team.

"and when he get on he'll leave yo' ass for a royal girl"

They weren't on drugs, they were just Japanese.

I couldn't decide if I absolutely did not want that to be in the real game, or if I absolutely did.

The fact that it's Mexican cultural tropes (like sombreros, maracas, Day-of-the-Dead aesthetics) rather than an actual depiction of Mexico makes it okay in my book. That and the fact that it's clearly not belittling it in any way. People get too worried about "cultural appropriation" sometimes. A lot of people are

The Wii U had Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros for Wii U. I think if someone put me in a weird cursed scenario where I had to either permanently give up my PS3 or my Wii U, I'd give up the PS3.

And the villains are wedding planners.

I hope that God of War game turns out well. It's an interesting departure from the previous 4. I just hope that the close-up camera angles don't inhibit the combat.

I thought the same. It looked like there was zero skill or reason to try and do things any particular way. Every swing just had the same speed, no slowing down or speeding up at all.

I hope the new Metroid game is as much a shift from the formula as the latest Zelda. Not that I didn't like the Prime games, but the innovation really makes it more interesting.

I did not feel good looking at the Spidey demo. I've just been playing Breath of the Wild, and the feeling in that game of general non-scriptedness has made me wary of these games that rely on it heavily. From the start you see that you run into this area with these exact number of bad guys following their path and

It was innovative the first time Batman did it. 4 games later and it's kind of become bland. It's just too shallow for the most part. It's very quick to learn and then you're still doing it the same way 20 hours later. I think the Batman games also started to rely on it a lot more as the series went on, unlike in the

So which is your second favourite? Don't leave us hanging like this!

I guess "old" as in "already available on home media". Although it might mean the original GB.

Hey, it was fine when millions of people watched them on flights, but now slightly more people who buy the unedited versions might see it too.

I don't really get the big deal either. I don't really know who these movies are for, but it really doesn't affect my enjoyment of them one way or another. I've also heard that the Bowlderised versions of the works of Shakespeare helped increase his mainstream popularity quite a bit too, so maybe it's not always a bad

Presumably the same people are that advertisers think will rise up in mass boycotts if they ever use the word "fuck" on an adult cable TV show. I've never met or heard anything about these people, but apparently they are powerful and lying in wait.

It'll look completely ridiculous having a bunch of adults not-swearing like that. Not like having sex where the woman always keeps her bra on the whole time, which is completely normal.