Of course he could’ve, he’s not blind.
Of course he could’ve, he’s not blind.
To think, he learned no humility after his parents died performing high-wire acts for the circus.
Please. I am a person of color and you can come right off it. Don’t make this a “white women don’t get it” thing because the previous article, in which Margaret’s original comments exist without Tilda’s emails, feature plenty of comments about her being in the wrong. It’s only when more information came to light that…
Cho called her out. Swinton respectfully asked for more information. Don’t confuse mildly tone deaf with “inherently gross”. And stop acting like Swinton randomly asked a POC off the street.
All bets were off as regards privacy the moment Cho “mischaracterised” and at times told an outright lie in a very public forum via Bobby Lee’s podcast.
“I guess [they] didn’t want to maybe get a non-white writer to tackle this one!”
Every time someone said that Margaret looked bad, she’s a liar, she wants attention is just. . . what the fuck is wrong with you.
Go read the emails. The go read what Margaret Cho claimed Tilda Swinton said. She was lying in a despicable manner. I really like Margaret Cho’s work, but I’ve lost a huge amount of respect for her.
Oh, please.
Officer: Nice work, but you’re lucky to be alive right now.
That article left out the best part:
Fair enough. We should all just accept an unreasonably harsh sentence for a whistleblower just because. Never question authority.
She leaked a video showing US troops gunning down a dozen Iraqi civilians in cold blood, no one was ever punished for that and never will be. But bringing it to light gets you 35 years. I think that illustrates American priorities quite effectively... even comments on this site, I wish I had found surprising.
“I know this will be a controversial opinion, but Manning knew what she was doing at the time. She leaked information that endangered the lives of sources and others. Her intentions here don’t matter—she is smart, worked in intelligence, and absolutely knew this was a potential consequence of her actions.”
Chelsea Manning’s formal petition requesting President Obama reduce the remainder of her 35-year prison sentence surp…
I went to high school in San Diego and had a good buddy on the basketball team. He was playing a tournament thing down there against University of SD highschool, which is this fancypants private deal everybody just called “Uni” and I went to the game as I was staying at his folks house because my parents were outta…
I’ve met and interacted with a lot of celebrities, but this is about my son.
Fuck that guy!
At first I thought you had switched two of your words around.
A very long time ago, during George W. Bush’s first term as president, Dick Cheney came into the Northern Virginia…