
Pussies with guns. The George Zimmerman effect.

I think a good hypothetical question is, “If the guy this killer shot happened to be an off-duty cop, would he have been released from jail?”

The only time law enforcement claims to be puzzled is when it’s clear they’re hiding shit or they fucked up. Everything else, they’re aggressively righteous and arrogant. Answering for a fuck up, there’s a lot of “I don’t recall”s and “we need time to sort it out”s.

So this guy definitely has connections with the local law enforcement, then, right?

In our defense it was mostly anyone who didn’t live in a real city. Columbus, Cleveland, Cincy and Toledo and the counties they are located in were trending heavily for Hillary.
But in towns that aint go no jobs and in which you can use the word “methy” to define their populace, they were all in on the Greatening of

The funny thing is that it’s not even a “minority issues” focus that is the problem. The dems made a conscious choice to shift their base away from blue collar workers towards college educated office types. They essentially abandoned unions, taking them for granted and letting them be demonized and destroyed. They

“This argument would hold more merit if the Democratic Party ever bothered to engage in full-throated advocacy for a real, non-means-tested, universal program which then got whittled down in negotiation.”

The Republicans did that with the ACA anyway. Obama was trying very hard for around six years to meet the Republicans part way (note that Obamacare is basically Romney’s plan), but his mistake was that opposing him was more important to them than any other particular goal. There was no compromise position that would

When one person doesn’t vote, it’s his fault. When millions, thousands, or even hundreds don’t vote, it’s the candidate’s.

Guys c’mon, let’s not throw out the savvy analysis Krugman has provided post election. Feels like we’re being unfair.

All I can hope is that this spells the quickened doom of neoliberal policymaking in the Democratic party. You want to know what spelled the end of the Dems this election cycle? Being unable to differentiate themselves very well against “traditional” Republicans on economic matters.

If you guys ran an unchallenged opinion from some other reactionary conservative demographic in the United States, you would rightfully be criticized for it. But of course you never would do that, would you? The claim that Fidel Castro’s crimes are equivalent in scale to those of Adolf Hitler is so fucking absurd to

I’m thinking about it—what if we were able to present the opinion of someone affected by Castro without commentary, while also holding the belief that Saudi Arabia’s rights record and Guantanamo are bad? That’d be wild. If only it were possible...

Now playing

The Cuban ex-pat community is one of the most reactionary political demographics in the United States. They’re one of the only identifiable groups of voters of color who went for Donald Trump in the election. So I don’t expect more from Le Batard. But you might note that the “murderous killer” you’re indicting via

Dude, it’s a literal blacklist that includes some of the most respected liberal sources online without justification, and they flat out lied about being “allied” with credible sources like

Sorry, that logic doesn’t fly at all. People that don’t like anyone could be argued to be susceptible to fake news that paints that person in a bad light. But somehow that doesn’t lead to the presumption that right-leaning Dem sites are “Russian propaganda,” right?

This “Russia is responsible for all the false information on the internet” paradigm smells wrong. Who, for example, IS this “PropOrNot,” org suddenly providing lists of which sites have false information? Brand new for 2016, they purport to define propaganda, but say nothing about who they are, aside from claiming to

Step One: You stop calling them idiots. I know, it seems hard.