
Ya except for Schultz’s dickhead brother

If you’ve already checked in, adding it to your profile won’t work. You have to re-check in and add your KTN when it prompts you. Then it’ll work. The only thing adding it to your profile does is auto-fill the box when you buy a ticket. 

I had a ‘96 Volvo 850 as my first car. Got a flat one day and went to jack up the car to swap the wheel. Old Volvo’s have that ‘C’ shaped jack that you’re supposed to slide onto a special jack point and lift. I didn’t know that, so I just stuck it under and started lifting. The opening in the ‘C’ had conveniently

That’s true - but you’re paying $17k for a 13 year old car. How many miles does that GTO have? Has it been owned and garaged by a 90 year old Grandma, or thrashed and put away wet by a 16 year old punk? How much does it cost to rebuild that V8 when it falls apart? And good luck getting a decent loan to pick up that

Buy the Stinger and swap the KIA badges for BMW ones before you get home. She and 99% of the other people with that ‘Why would you drive a KIA’ opinion will never know the difference.

My best friend’s Mom had one. I loved that thing - I even slept in it once when we borrowed it to drive to a party. The exhaust note at idle on the V8 was superb, even if it was a bit underpowered. 

I’m pretty sure all pre-2000 pickups smell of sweet and sour pork diapers

There’s even a picture. C’mon Torch

I came here to talk shit about you, but I ran that report and I ordered 136 items last year, totaling way more than I’m willing to admit (and only about 3 were for work, maybe 5 were returned). I’ve definitely fallen into the trap of ordering on Amazon without checking prices elsewhere just because it’s so easy,

Kudos to the track crew for their speedy response as well. They were mere seconds behind Dad.

Yeah, the driver was blatantly breaking the law by watching a video on their phone, had SIX SECONDS to react and instead made zero attempt to stop. Definitely not their fault. Let’s blame the victim for jay walking instead of the professional operator who is breaking the law.

I would kill to pay $2.42/gallon.

Yes. ‘But, dude, it’s a Kia’ is the common response. I think it’s time to shift the perception.

I’ve seen 2 in person since they came out. Drove behind a gray one yesterday... Goddamn they look good. I’m going to buy an AWD GT despite all my friends telling me otherwise.

I don’t understand why your gripe is with the scooters - go yell at the city and state governments that refuse to update BART or the NYC Subway. If my choices are a shit-stained BART, a shit-raining subway station or a flimsy plastic $2.50/ride scooter, I’m taking the goddamn scooter. And that’s not Bird’s fault, no

By the way, just to give you a sense of the world we live in now, if you Google “car seat headrest” you’ll almost exclusively get images of this guy 

Recently bought a Canon PowerShot SX720 HS to take with me on trips and supplement my phone... God damn what a game changer. It’s so convenient to have zoom and the larger sensor. Makes your trip photos actually worth keeping.

Named it California, invited journalists to test it in California, not sold in California. Brilliant!

Agreed, except those three platforms are owned by three separate monster entities, all vying for global domination. You can’t back down in a war for the world.

It’s actually safer to replace from the exterior, because you have a crane holding it in place. Just clear the space below and put in redundant safety restraints. Even if it falls nobody gets hurt.