
God I hate PZEV. Especially because everybody who drives a badged one (aka every new Subaru) is so smug they don’t even know what it means - they just see “zero emissions” and think “OH I’M BASICALLY A TESLA!” From the way Subaru totes it, you would think they’re the only manufacturer that offers PZEV cars (they

Pretty incredible that there’s video evidence of the crime being committed yet the officer still has to show up to court if the defendant chooses to dispute the claim.

My very own future and totally-real-but-not-yet-available-or-in-physical-form electric car will have a bigger battery than every Tesla combined.

I suppose if you were really clever and in a big rush you could also use CO2 cartridges. Will have to try that next time and report back

Two very important things I learned (or realized) recently:

I also was prepared to jump in with everyone and say “this person is going way too far” but then I remembered he’s a used car salesman.

Wait. Resale value of Camry = 15,438. Total of parts = 10,695. And 15,438 > 10,695. How again are the ‘sum of the parts’ worth more than the car itself? It’s in the chart - the used market value of the car still exceeds the parts value by over 30%.

So... Is there a specific reason they couldn’t push the car out of the way? It blows my mind how many people forget their cars can be easily maneuvered using people power as well as horsepower.

What did the Obama administration do to ‘undo’ the country? Last I checked, GW Bush was president before and during the Great Recession and Obama is the one that pulled us out of it. Those low unemployment numbers and massive GDP growth are all thanks to Obama.

Yeah that’s the conundrum. Unless everybody on the road is driving the exact same vehicle, someone is always going to have something bigger and heavier. Which is why this justification is complete bullshit. Everybody knows it’s just a ploy to line the pockets of oil and car companies.

Except in some very, very rare circumstances where someone hits a bridge with no guardrail

Newsflash: Tunnel built below water table is surrounded by water.

Is the source link also missing? Wanted to check out the rest of the pictures without having to play go-fish on Google.

It’s the vehicle number in that fleet. I.e. Jim-Bob and Jerry are assigned to car 4110 today... This is car 4110 reporting a Code 187... Car 4110 is due for an oil change... It’s just so you can distinguish between cars of the same model and year in the fleet.

What do you propose? Hiring a security detail to protect the police from its citizens? Building a 10-foot concrete wall to keep citizens out? I agree there’s some hostility towards police (especially after Dallas in 2016) but further separating them from the citizens THEY SERVE just seems like throwing fuel on the

A quick check on Google maps confirms that the Central Station parking lot is indeed surrounded by fence (334 S Hall St. Dallas, TX 75226). Though it’s not barbed and doesn’t look very intimidating, you certainly can’t “walk the fuck around it.”

I’ve never actually seen anyone write ‘There’re’. Kudos for being my first, Rob.

Every single O’Reilly store using dot matrix printers for their receipts up until about three years ago.

I kinda wanted a Stinger GT before the review and after today I really, really want one. I told my friend at work and he laughed and said he’d never spend $50k on a Kia. Should I still get one? When everybody laughs at me, will it still be worth it?

Went to Kia’s website to price up what I would want in a Stinger... Looks like Kia also needs to hire one of ze German’s ad people. Who thought Steven Tyler was a good idea?