
Whatever you do, don’t accept the free Mai Tai from a Trader Joe’s bottle they offer on Alaska flights to Hawaii. It’s awful, even for free booze.

RV’s are surprisingly easy to drive. We rent a 30+ footer every year and drive it from San Francisco to SLC, then to Vegas and finally back to SF for a bike race. No accidents, although last year our muffler fell off and we ran it over, someone lost the gas cap and we broke a light fixture. As long as you remember

Disclaimer: Not my truck, nor do I own a truck, nor would I lift my truck if I owned one.

You’re forgetting that people crash their cars very, very frequently

No, it doesn’t, but Portland doesn’t salt roads and has almost no plows or gravel trucks. Also, it typically snows about an inch and then either rains or warms and re-freezes, which creates a lot of ice. If it just kept snowing we wouldn’t have problems. It’s also practice - people in Oregon are absolutely awful at

Yes, I don’t follow him on Twitter so I was unaware of that. Looks fantastic.

I’m hoping rally conversions on street cars (a la 911 Safari) becomes the next crazy. I’m currently debating throwing smaller rally wheels with big tires on my MS3 and lifting it an inch. Would be a seriously fun mountain car.

Only to David Tracy can moving a car INTO the garage and removing the hood be considered huge upgrades. That’s Step 1 for 100% of us that own an (unoccupied) garage.

Stop asking silly questions

That’s fucking gross. So you walk around a plane and the restroom in your socks with several hundred other people (who are wearing shoes that touch places like the NYC sidewalk and subway platforms), just simply trusting that you’re smart enough to not step in urine. Then you take those socks home and walk around your

I already wanted a Ridgeline before this and now I want one even more. Looks be damned, it’s the best compact Pickup on the market.

This is 1,000x better. Thank you. I’m just going to listen to these videos all day.

“Many a time we had to got inside and manually retrieve the cars using a joystick.”

I don’t see how Autopilot is to blame at all for this. The fact that he even had it enabled, instead of turning it off and SLOWING DOWN FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES as the law stipulates just means he’s a flaming asshole. Guy should have his license revoked for nearly killing numerous emergency responders.

$150? Psh. In California you have to pay between $1,500 and $20,000 to join the CHP’s 11-99 Foundation.

What sort of citations does lawn enforcement typically give out? Reckless watering?

If you’re breaking loose in a ‘92 AWD Legacy (with 130 hp) you’re driving too aggressively for the weather AND your tires suck. Just because they have tread doesn’t mean they’re any good. My best friend in HS had a ‘94 green Legacy and we never had any issues driving in the rain (Portland) or snow (it was our

Shelby Cobra. Still my favorite car ever. My mid-life crisis will likely involve a Superformance replica.