
WTF I-80W at Emeryville is in Oakland (Emeryville, actually) and then goes North to Richmond. I hate it when news companies lump all of the cities around SF into one big conglomerate. There’s 400k people in Oakland, everybody knows where it is.

Note to editor: Don’t use ‘ton’ as an adjective in a story about weight

Damn you and your typo. I thought for a second there might be a new Model S trim.

There’s a reason Grand Tour has an 8.8 and over 40k votes...

I think the problem is that none of these guys (including TG US) are actually friends. They’re all decent hosts, but the dialogue and friendship is so forced. TG UK was innovative back in 2002, but a decade later it was hilarious because Clarkson, Hammond and May were genuinely best buds. TG America just needs to find

I watched every episode. Can confirm they were all shit.

Can we take a minute to talk about how awful Top Gear America was? Or is Jalopnik just pretending the show doesn’t exist (which I’m OK with)? Bill, Wookie and Anton are just terrible

You would be deeply in the minority if you had said Top Gear America (not to be confused with the previously canceled Top Gear US)

You went to pick up a car and FORGOT THE KEY? You’re one of those people that asks a friend to help them move, then when your friend shows up you haven’t even started packing, huh?

Definitely meatballs. I would love to see if you can improve upon the infamous grape jelly slow cooker meatball recipe. Plus, how awesomely delicious would medium rare meatballs be?

Yeah let’s blame the consumers trying to rip off the salesman instead of the owner of the lot that takes profit on the car for just owning the land.

Why didn’t the HOA just cite him for parking a non street legal vehicle on the street?

Ah thank you

How did they cover 88 miles in 27 minutes? Those numbers don’t make any sense

I imagine this driver also gets off on telling people he lives in ‘Bel Air’ (Maryland)

Yugo: Committed to building the toughest, most dependable cars a little money can buy

Wouldn’t ‘dropping it in the ocean’ technically qualify as a loss? That is, unless you happen to be SCUBA diving and can retrieve the phone... Serious question though, if you drop the phone somewhere and can’t retrieve it (i.e. ocean, river or deep lake), will Apple charge you $99 or does that fall outside the

As defined by Georgia law, an individual is guilty of serious injury by vehicle if they are driving under the influence and cause bodily harm to another by...

I agree (modern politicians are so obtuse they will dogmatically disagree with the other side regardless of their actual opinion on the subject) HOWEVER Trump’s recent sit-down with Schumer and Pelosi and agreement to raise the debt ceiling was a step in the right direction. I lean pretty far left and I was pleased.

Since I downloaded iOS 11 (the day it released) on three separate occasions my notification screen ended up in landscape, and then the app that I opened (usually Whatsapp) was completely buggy, with the keyboard floating in the middle of the screen. I can’t repeat it, either.