
Three articles over a space of two years hardly counts as ‘everyone.’ First person spends half the space talking about how smart and intelligent his co-workers are. If they’re all as smart as you say, they can probably work just about anywhere. Quit. Find a new job. College educated, with experience gets you a long

+1. Every person here knows that R63 would get an NP in a landslide

I’m assuming the standard auto rental coverage extended by Visa and other credit card agencies doesn’t apply to Turo?

I realize it will never happen because corporations, lobbying and ‘freedom’ but wouldn’t it be great if the Feds limited the amount of your loan based on your credit score and income? E.g., if you make $40k a year and have a credit score of 500, you can only be approved for a $10k loan with zero down? I wholly

I like how the water is perfectly flat as the FJ drives through. Fluid dynamics? Bah! This is an FJ!

Two weeks ago I was on a flight from Seattle, guy sitting in the window and me in the aisle, nobody in the middle. He’s watching some movie on his Macbook and there’s a sex scene, so he just made the window smaller until the scene was over.

I don’t really understand this site sometimes. Every single person here rags about those ‘left lane campers’ driving the speed limit in the ‘passing’ lane. But then when you’re the one camping in the left lane, it’s OK to block and obstruct other drivers.

A few weeks ago I was driving on I-280 at night in San Jose during one of the big rain storms we’ve had down here. The on-ramp I usually take to get home makes you merge over 3 lanes almost immediately to stay on 280. While getting up to speed, ahead of me I see the taillights of a new Mustang GT. The Mustang starts

I’m 99.99% sure you don’t and I work in the construction industry. You DO have to file with the State/City/County building department and obtain the necessary permits. Then OSHA has the right to inspect your site for compliance.

You should probably do some damage control - there may be a sexual harassment suit coming your way. That is 100% sexual harassment; wouldn’t even make it to court. The company would settle before you can figure out if it’s ‘oe’ or ‘eo’ in subpoena.

What’s ironic is that a decade ago Republicans were pushing wire tapping, which they justified via the Patriot Act. But now one of their own gets caught and they claim it’s ‘unconstitutional.’


Except you and I pay directly for ‘entitlements’ (that’s the Federal FICA and Federal Medicaid line items on your pay stub). I’m just saying that Congress can adjust discretionary spending to include a larger portion for transportation, education, medicare, etc. while reducing their military spending. A reduction of

The chart isn’t made up, it’s based on the 2015 Fiscal Year spending including both discretionary and mandatory spending. Military spending is ‘way way more’ of the discretionary budget. The mandatory budget is largely social security and medicaid (i.e. the things you pay for directly). If you pull the discretionary

This times a thousand. What drives me nuts is that DRLs don’t include taillights. I understand that if my headlights are on I should be able to see the idiot’s car even w/o taillights, but if that moron is driving 40 mph on a freeway, I don’t have much time to react once they’re visible. I understand the concept of

Ladders are significantly cheaper than tunnels.

IMO, it does have an easy solution. Spend less on defense and more on transportation. But that won’t happen with Republicans in charge and McCain driving the reigns. Might as well push out more Nimitz supercarriers and LCS’s - that way, when the bridges collapse, we can use them as taxi’s.

If only there was a way to improve the nation’s infrastructure while simultaneously creating jobs. Hmm...

Apple has always struggled in the headphone department. I would seriously consider 4 more years of a Trump presidency if it meant I never had to wear their stupid Earpods again. Ditching the headphone jack is just in line with how they feel about headphones (they have no fucking clue).

‘Cars have very bad ROI.’ 99.9% of new cars have negative ROI. A car is not an investment unless you’re buying a Singer Porsche. Paying cash is smart if you can afford it, because then you don’t end up paying a bank the additional 2-4% on a loan. If you can pay $60k cash for a car, chances are your credit is just fine