
No electrician or GC would use that complicated of a device for ‘running wires and cables through inside corners of a new home.’ You just drill one hole, then use a square and level to line up the other side, and drill. That thing took out nearly half the area of a 4x4. It would chop a 2x4 stud in half, rendering your

Wait. This is actually interesting. I’m assuming the plane is simply more efficient with its power and more aerodynamic?

Something tells me the East Tennesse/West Carolina matchup won’t come near any attendance records.

Giz devotes 10% of its site to reviewing wireless headphones and then goes into a panic when people actually have to use them.

I bought my 6 with cash from Apple a year ago. It looks like it’s actually cheaper to do the installment plan - $32.41/mo is $389/yr whereas a new iPhone every year is $650 - $225 (trade-in value of a 6) = 425. If you can hold out on replacing your phone every two years, however, buying outright is a better deal

Wow, Russian traffic cams are surprisingly high quality.

We’ve reached out to Palantir... and we’ll update if we hear back

But according to Sploid, it costs “a few thousand bucks” to go whale watching. You can get a 3-HR trip out of Monterey for less than $50.


That pass on the outside at 1:33 made me tingle a bit. Good stuff.

If it’s 1875 and your name is George D. Anderson, you do it barefoot with a hand drill and eye bolts (Half Dome, Yosemite).

And in the game of scissor doors versus inanimate objects the score has been leveled, 1-1.

Yeah, duh. That was my reaction. It’s pretty easy to just point and say “you’re an idiot” when you close a door on your own hand. But when it’s the machine closing on your hand... It’s the same thing with autpilot.

Now playing

The TG review of the Carrera GT is the first one I ever saw. This was almost a decade ago when I was still in high school, living with the parents and we didn’t have cable. So I watched all of the TG videos on YouTube.

People dumb enough to assume they can buy a new set of three desks and chairs for $10 WITH FREE SHIPPING deserve to have their money taken. They should also be sterilized.

There are situations where you could have a roommate not of your choosing. Maybe it’s a big house and he’s a friend of a friend, or you live in a fraternity with a black member, or it’s assigned housing (dorms, etc.). Note that he said ‘black roommate’ and not ‘black friend’ or ‘my friend ____ is black.’ Five years IS

Still don’t know why it was canceled. Undeclared was good, but Freaks and Geeks was a gem. In addition to Apatow’s regulars, the show had some awesome cameos for the soon to be famous (Rashida Jones, Lizzy Caplan, Jason Schwartzman, Shia Lebouf...)

What was his height at the peak of the jump? Way taller than the buildings. Maybe 40'?

“Race is boring.” Ya, no shit, it’s NASCAR.

Big wheels and tiny rotors are like the rich man’s equivalent of donked wheels. The more I stare the more ridiculous it looks.