
Probably just sick of carrying around those bullshit mail flyers. Seriously, fuck this shit. It pisses me off when I get five pounds of these in my mailbox every week - not only does the mail person have to carry it around but it wastes my time and it’s a waste of trees. More power to this mail carrier - you have my

Do these ‘daredevils’ ever fall? I wonder how many times someone wakes up in the morning to find a pancaked guy with a GoPro strapped to his head at the foot of a tower crane.

It’s funny, when you’re constructing a new building, fire code requires 60" for Egress hallways, minimum door widths, minimum stair quantity, etc. etc. But when you stuff 200 people in a metal tube there are suddenly no restrictions. FAA needs to intervene - at some point it’s downright dangerous to pack people in

Now playing

Worked a billion times better in Star Trek (2009). Mostly b/c he actually turns the song on, instead of it just playing over movie scenes.

Who TF cares. After all the hype about Rio having the potential to be the worst Olympics ever, the ever-present violence, corruption and poverty the WORST thing that happened is a few swimmers may or may not have gotten mugged and one pool turned green. I’d call that a win.

This would be fantastic if it could ever pass the legislative blockade that is our government. The big fossil fuel companies will lobby like hell against it, it’ll end up with a thousand injunctions that will lock up any sort of progress for years, then the supreme court will fumble the issue a la the recent EPA

“Rocket shaped buggies used to carry javelins back and forth” AKA

Stud finder... You mean this handy guy?

Love me some Clarkson gifs

So, in summary, Elio is asking you to pre-order their product to provide them with the funding necessary to go forth and build said product. Why does this storyline sound so familiar? Oh, that’s right!

He’s wearing circa 2002 Etnies. No straps required.

Grout comes in a variety of colors - white, gray, black, tan, etc. Depends on how you want it to look (ever seen black tile with white grout?). I’m fairly certain it’s not susceptible to bleach, either.

The comments section on their Indiegogo page is by far the highlight. My favorite:

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a drastically underappreciated movie. So good.

Luckily he only has to brave TSA one time. Once you’re in the secure area it wouldn’t be that much of a hassle. However, loading and unloading from a plane with the general public 9x in one day would be insufferable.

He’s going to save a lot more than $100. The companion pass is good for the remainder of the year it’s earned and the entire following year. It’s basically a buy-one get-one free for someone you name (spouse, BFF, whatever) for an entire year. So if he books a flight worth $100, he can take another person for free,

Definitely no Jedi tricks here. Just plain luck. He doesn’t even move his “lightsaber” until after the firework strikes it. Dumb luck that he hit it.

It’s the same paint. Thermoplastic paint is just a powder that’s heated in a kettle and applied to the road surface. Can be sprayed, rolled, dripped, etc. Also, weather and/or traffic in the UK is no more ridiculous than certain parts of the US. I’m assuming this video was just highlighting an old method that’s not

Stencils, yes. Companies in the US also use sprayers. Not sure why London hasn’t advanced from the 19th century. It would take ages to paint a skip line of any reasonable length using that method.

So much irony.