
Hello: Environmental sciences person here. Fish kills like this seem to disturb people but its not that uncommon and happens in usually more boring ways, like a bunch of tree debris or something falls into a stream after storm and uses up all the oxygen in the decay process, turning the water body hypoxic until it

“Hey! we don’t want your stinkin’ apocalyptic, floating death fish. We already have that as a governor” -Maine people

I’ll say it if nobody else will.

If you refer to a black person as an “ape” there is no way in HELL you are not being racist. I’m sorry. This is not a case of “you misread my comment thooo.” It’s blatant racism.

Daddy Trump wants his kids and son-in-law to get top security clearance. This is NOT a joke. They’re gonna run America like a Mob family business. I wonder how long it will be before they try to get clearance for Alex Jones.


I went to an Adult Swim roadshow drive-in event and they played a few shows that hadn’t been aired yet. One of them was that million dollar world peace bullshit. The mixture of people at the event was roughly 50/50 men to women. We all watched that episode and it was fucking crickets. Like someone stepped on the fun

“you’re talking about it usually to other white liberals.” in a great statement, this is the MOST true.

“It’s a big thing that’s present in the white liberal community. That, “I’m talking about it so I’m doing something.” No, you’re just talking about it. And you’re talking about it usually to other white liberals. You’re not really doing anything here. Talking is not action. Don’t just look at what you say. Look at how

Woke bae

Had to share this one with you Jezzies. Observe the pissed Weasley cousin in the top photo. I had a tough week personally in addition to election depression (my ex sent me a really awful message telling me he wished I would die and I have people I thought were friends on his side) so this silliness is appreciated.

I hope he sets up an A-Team style group of renegade do-gooders who comically thwart the cartoonishly evil GOP policies at every turn.

Still my favorite:

I know I posted this in another thread but this has been my favorite so far

This is the section of the song that killed me:

It means a lot that she covered the often left out verses from the Cohen version instead of the more popular Buckley version. I was pleasantly surprised, especially since she wasn’t going for romantic with the song and instead facing defeat with grace.

No, we’re not.