Good question (voice from the future)
Good question (voice from the future)
"Elliott O’Keefe’s one-stop shop for right-wing skullduggery and subterfuge."
He still has leverage with the nukes. Does he see the protomolecule as additional insurance?
Welcome to my world (99% of Hollywood films have social/poliitcal subtext I disagree with)
The liberal sensitivities (or maybe it's just excessive political correctness) of AV Club reviewers is quite annoying. It's like you can't have a show featuring bad guys who happen to be immigrants/Muslim or a scenario where a female character is mistreated without the writers telling us how uncomfortable and…
I laughed out loud. haha. The constant lean backs….ugh. Over the top!
Yes! No constant Negan lean backs as he delivers his lines.
Ok lol
You should write reviews.
Pretty critical for a B+ rating but I agree with the points Zach made.
Good point. Even if none of the current employees dated back to Arnold, you'd think his photo would be somewhere. The Delos Board would surely have been briefed on Arnold's role in founding the company….right? Unless, as someone suggested, he stayed deep in the background and Ford became known worldwide as the sole…
Like the author, I too dislike getting 'spoiled' by fan speculation…but with this show I can't help it! lol
hehe, you said titillating.
You nailed it
Exactly. This sensitivity and political correctness can be stifling for a studio who does listen to such criticism (see Game of Thrones and how it responded to the rape criticisms).
During the watching of this episode I wondered if some of the pundits would take issue with Thandie's nudity despite the fact that her character is a robot. I wasn't "disappointed" I got through the first sentence of this review and went down to the comments section.
Lol ok
I went to bed not thinking about it or caring.
Ok gotcha. Thanks!