
I disagree, I believe it's a 6/10 at its worst, and I've come to realize comparing it to other adult-animations is hard because it's quite different to most others. I'm not sure how many episodes you watched but I feel like when it hit a good stride in the second half of the season, it proved it's worth.

Whoo! Yeah! Trust me, you'll enjoy it.

Woah, don't knock it till you try it. It's better than you'd think and everyone in the comments agrees. He only watched the first half and to be honest the other half is where it really starts to pick up.

I don't know who you are or how you got your opinion, but this show is actually good. Watch it. If you don't like it, leave the 90% who do, alone.
P.S. Don't you dare besmirch the name of Alison Brie. The voice acting in this show is great all across the board.

Well, Kevin James did get nominated for Best Lead Actor once. I'm not saying it's all the show deserved but if it makes ya feel any better. I think I'm starting to accept Modern Family's unfair domination of the Comedy category. I mean, I'd give any of the six adult actors/actresses the Best Supporting Actor/Actress

Not to mention this is (what, a week?) after his girlfriend that he's been infatuated with since he was a toddler died. But hey, fickle is the heart that resides under the dome eh?

Well said, sir. Despite Modern Family's recent (or not so recent) slight decline in quality, I don't think I'll be able to let go of it. Ever. As for TBBT, I'm one of those people who can't watch start following show without watching every episode there is first, so I'm probably gonna end up watching random episodes

I feel like he was a little too harsh on the show. It wasn't the best thing ever but it was still pretty funny and actually engaging. I would've left it somewhere in the B's depending on which episode I watched last. I've watched funnier shows but I still found myself smiling at the constant animal puns and little

I know right! They gave Parks and Recreation the nod a couple times, and you'd think Community would maybe be able to sneak their way in there, but no! You'd think after season 2 they'd at least find a nomination.

Yes, as I stated above, I love Modern Family, but Community is still my favourite comedy show. Not because I think it's the funniest but because it's the most inventive and different. It dares to do what no other comedy can or will and still succeeds. So you can prefer Modern Family but unless you've watched every

Let's not make it too cheap, Breaking Bad maybe? Oh yeah, dammit, it ended! I guess Modern Family it is then.

I just can't hate on Modern Family for some reason. Maybe I like the show too much. I feel like some of the other shows had a better season than they did (Hell, even some shows that weren't nominated!) but I still don't mind. I guess once you're a Community fan you get used to being snubbed. Except for that one

Did no one really see what that last shot was? I got it immediately. The scene right before was a silent one with Sam and Pauline and the camera pans to a painting of a red door. And since Pauline seemed to, let's say 'predict', everything that's happened so far, that was the door/hatch you see Barbie and his father

Is it just me, or did he completely forget to even mention Jim Rash/Dean Pelton?
Dean-a-ling-a-ling, VanDerWerff!
I mean, his rap HAS to be, one of, if not the biggest highlight of the fifth season.
(Not a complaint, just an observation. Not mentioning him is DEFINITELY a complaint though.)