oh, and i kind of feel the need to say i never *asked* his last name because that's just weird. it kind of implies "I'm going to cyberstalk you later" - I mean why else would you ask that?
oh, and i kind of feel the need to say i never *asked* his last name because that's just weird. it kind of implies "I'm going to cyberstalk you later" - I mean why else would you ask that?
This. Thank you for saying what I was thinking. In my bar trolling-for-sex days basically what I did was look around the room for the most attractive man and I would walk up and say "Hi, do you have a girlfriend?" if he answered "no" i would proceed to, "Do you want to have sex?" and I never got a no.
thank you, I immediately thought this
? the implication is that you think I'm lying? really? other women on here said the same thing. whatever... troll.
I can't believe how far I had to scroll to see people say this. Where are these men who pay for dates?
I feel like my entire life I've heard people talk about men paying for dates, as though this is normal and "reality", and yet, 40 years on the planet, despite being considered quite pretty by most, I have never once, not EVER had a guy pick up the tab, or even like, pay my way in to see a band play.
Trolling is when you disagree with the OP.
Awesome. I highly recommend the film Kumare. It's on Netflix, y'all will love it.
actually that's not true, it's generally me sticking up for the OP. Like in this case, where I agree with the author. because this guy is a total douchebag. like you.
Oh there all kinds of racists who are cliches!
LOL i'm totally a racist. anyway, clearly the hundreds of other people who commented on this post agree with me. that guy is a douchebag. just like you.
I really hope you're single and stay that way.
actually he just has serious self-hatred. he's Asian.
whoa. nonstop crazy
then I wish 50 cats on him all the more. ;D
omg AND he's 44 years old??? but he wants a woman in her 20s?!!!
Hahaha, he's an Asian who wants a size 0 white girl. what a fucking cliche.
May he die alone with 50 cats.
In high school I was told semen had 150 calories a teaspoon & I was told it's a few teaspoons a load and I actually believed it and kind of worried about it and so I'd often hold it in my mouth and secretly spit it out and wipe it on sheets or whatever and then finally - AT AGE 35 - I learned it was calorie free and…