Dolemite is outta here

It will be interesting to see how hyperventilating Apple fan boys and girls react to this.

Coming soon the Baader-Meinhof Stock-market Ticker extension.

@W10002: To any woman who would like to answer: don't y'all's legs get cold when wearing a skirt in cold weather?

"We're reminded of the awkward insertion of the Beastie Boys' "Sabotage" "

Adventures in Gawker Media Cross Promotion:

darn you googling fiends, you _had_ to go there

"set up ou own personal Wikipedia"


Congratulations to Mr. Jackson

@xenobyte72: one could almost get the impression that you are telegraphing that you are a Heterosexual male.

I am relatively ambivalent about the update. I never had much of a problem reading the previous comments system and the new system seems as if not more complicated.

silly me, _of course_ the nightmare would be about the frumious Bandersnatch

All-righty then, I actually finished reading the post, rather disquieting for someone of my persuasion, but there you go.

@othium: Her arms are not the part(s) of her I most admire.

Congratulations and all wish you well.

Congratulations to Y'all