It IS damn good
It IS damn good
Oh I agree Scott.
"bro, what's wrong with poles"
You win with that comment.
I know!! How inconsiderate of Eros!
Liking the look of the suit.
God I can't type for sh*t today.
I've read most but not all of the stories covers here and to my mind d, the only essential ones are:
"And I hope Kamala Kahn gets star-struck and starts asking for autographs."
thanks for the confirm.
no need to apologise dude.
wow. Thanks for the response Man, I really appreciate it.
hmmmm....been meaning to pick up the trade of the Ellis Moon Knight.
it was awesome.
the thought of a Stan-less Marvel film reduces me to a quivering wreck... :(
fantastic idea.
The German composer/superstar astronomer Sir William Herschel, discoverer of Uranus.
I'd stopped reading comics in the mid-80s.
We are stardust.