
@Apollinarius: yeah not going to expose the iPad file system (which is UNIX based). Like HeartBurn said, it would be some kind of virtual file system contained within the app. As for the whole tablet UNIX prompt though, you can jailbreak and use a bash terminal and such at least.

Oh... those kind of models...

Those are probably the features I use least on my "phone", so no.

@bjaxon: I'm no expert on this kinda thing either but I seem to recall a description of corn being pretty rough on the land it is grown on so if I am remembering that correctly, corn is destructive in some sense. Corn is used in so much stuff as it is that I would think production would be an issue. jp182's answer is

@JakeMG: Ω Man: That's the weird part, queue management is the one thing the app doesn't really do. You can watch movies on the crapper though :)

@The_Vitto: It was the dharma ranch dressing man. That stuff will wreck you, and did you see how big those tubs were? I'm surprised Hurley wasn't twice his size.

@darkslide: don't know if you've heard of this but if you really can't wait you could try spirit2pwn. I've heard it's unofficial though so if you were to try it you'd probably want to look into it first.

@PoG: It's not really a "too minor" thing. Last month I watched most of the world cup games on my iPhone and looking at my bill, all of the data used when watching the games (usually between 200mb and 600mb) was reported as used around 2am when I watched the games in the late morning/early afternoon. They just report

@senshikaze: so I have an iPhone which means i have to use iTunes I use both mac and windows and I would disagree. iTunes is not great either way. I'm kinda pissed that apple killed lala so soon too. I vote google on this one.

@thedreadpirate: Yeah probably a couple episodes. I've been streaming the world cup games on my phone and my data usage has been at least a couple hundred mb a game (rough guess). My usage for the first week of games was like 6gb. Netflix and Hulu coming make this whole limited data thing blow.

@brobar: Nice. I have USAA renter's insurace but I need to make sure I have the electronics rider on there as well. Thanks for the tip!

@Stetrain: I dunno, they say they don't but my friend got his iPhone run over by a car (long story, bottom line is it was his negligence) and they charged him to replace it but he only had to pay like 250 or something.

@stripey: Yeah i'm pretty sure only the iPhone 4 hardware is an all-carrier deal as opposed to the software being the issue.

I'm not so sure. I feel like I can in fact ignore these stories.

@Corey Evan Kelsey: Yeah I'm in the same boat. Supposedly you can upgrade but it costs about twice as much and you have to sign another contract. So a 16gb would be 400 and a 32gb would be 500. This is almost worth it to me because I think I could get at least a solid 300 for my 32gb 3GS on ebay or craigslist. I can't

I started my contract the day the 3GS came out. Just did the *639# trick and I am not yet upgrade eligible. If this new phone is indeed something that I want to upgrade to, and I call AT&T and they will not bend even though I beg them to take me back into two years of horrible slavery, that will be the nail in the

@schall129: didn't it get an update last fall? That's a yearly update just like everything else right?

VOTE: Dreamhost

@Terry: I see where you're coming from and agree. However, I think in this case it's not so much about the money but the mentality. The site is called life"hacker" and the motivation to dig deep, understand, and take full advantage of things is the hacker mentality.