oh sh!t some body is now on Job's hit list and will no longer work for Apple again
oh sh!t some body is now on Job's hit list and will no longer work for Apple again
@SKiTz: you do know that the Blur UI is removable
you could just jack with people and randomly mark available spots. who's to know if those spots where just taken after you marked them. and how safe is driving around with you phone in hand marking spots out of the kinds of your heart?
@maythetechbewithyou: google probably could of got it done for free
do these back order iphone 4's come with the antenna fixed?
is one of the toilets a bidet or do you have to shit that close to someone?
When will Gizmodo The Movie come out? and who will play Chen and Steve Jobs... that movie would have more action. You have crime, money, secret turtle neck police breaking down doors, kidnapping (the missing apple employee)... They just need Jerry Bruckheimer to blow something up and we have a box office hit
@Nitemancometh: what about the sequel FarmVille 3d
@ps61318: you think this facebook sh!t is a game? you aint so big and bad. you better lawyer up, partnah!
this is just retarded... they're making facebook out to be some high drama/crime/suspense movie. I'm just waiting for them to do a trailer with someone getting shot or something blowing up. WTF, dude builds site - The End.
@golferal: please tell me thats a limited edition over priced business card holder, that you spent $30 on?
I just use the Chrome Google Voice extension and just click SMS and send the link or text to my phone
a $499+ device and a $2 stand... its like buying a luxury car and being to cheap to buy premium and putting standard gas in the tank...
@Nitemancometh: I smell Triology... Nick Cage will figure it out.
@Stevox: something to do with there web address... the hint is "The Mission" so i'm assuming web address or something about protecting the US
@SkelatorDan: he didn't draw anything, all of that was done by xtranormal.com preset characters all he did was type out some text and the site did the rest
@gebinsk: no i'm being honest. a month and 3-4 videos from now do you think you'll be still laughing at the videos? More than likely not. What made it funny was that he worked at Best Buy and that's how BB is they're pushy when selling a product so most people could relate to that.
Something tells me if you crack this code, you'll be red flagged and monitored for the rest of your life.
@gebinsk: how long before those videos become boring? The only thing funny about those videos is Xtra Normal's characters and text-speech generated voice. anyone can put a script together like that.
Twitter could have charged, $20-$100 for developer API access but there didn't