
5050 for me! Must be time signed in because that shut ain't possible with my full time job, i fucking wish

Nice, maybe that's what I was missing about it, the idea that it works outside of games. Gonna look a bit more into it, thanks

I'll take a look for sure, thanks

Did anyone at Kotaku do a controller review for the steam one yet? I see a lot of people using them, is there any benefit over a One controller, cause I just don't think I could get used to switching back and forth when going from PC to my One.

Oddly enough the one that pisses me off the most is the new 3ds and binding of Isaac. I own the old 3ds and Isaac is the only game I want so now I get to trade in this one for a measly 40$ and fork up an extra 150$ for the new system and then the game on top of that. Fuck.

You would not like the grotesqueries that are my Saints Row characters then haha

This is actually more jaw dropping than the Destiny garbage! 160 fucking dollars??? You could spend 8 mil in GTA Online in like 20 minutes and have basically nothing to show for it. HOW IS THIS SHIT HAPPENING!

Man this seems like a really shit idea. Great for money making and a total cancer for the community who have stuck it through up to this point

To see some of this brought to life in animation would be insane. Looks so unique

Why is UPlay still a thing? Serious question here, like what the hell does it do for Ubi that they push it sooooooo hard?

Well “Worth Reading” is always like this so shut your fucking mouth Leslie!!!

A game per each original disc. 3 full fleshed out chapters could be nice.

FUCK YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! Finally get to play this game with some actual graphics and framerate. My laptop seriously hates me for playing this game so much

Any game could and should cost $60... IF and only IF it is worth the money. But the water is so muddy now with microtransactions that it is getting harder and harder to really judge. i just wish more games came as a COMPLETE package and not sold to me piecemeal.

It's a deep deep rabbit hole you are about to wander into sir. Theres things about this game that were only discovered a year or two ago. Just start you tubing it, SOTC secrets. I want to go back to it so bad to try out some of the shit I never knew existed

None have really lived up to the first EDF. But if they still yell “STEAKS!!!” I guess I am sold.

Mediocrity? Honest question, if this is mediocre for you, what qualifies as exceptional? Like what standard are you holding this game against that rates it so low for you?

Nothing proves a guns worth like blasting away some poor level 2 dregs and vandals ;)

Yulp I was looking way too hard...

What the hell I missing? I can to paste the same quote here because I cannot understand the joke... But I suppose if it is a Jeb joke I don't fucking care anyway...