Holy shit! That is a ton of pressure to get it right the first time for the pilot. Incredible
Holy shit! That is a ton of pressure to get it right the first time for the pilot. Incredible
Ahh you rock! Thanks for the link, was gonna do some googling myself when I got a break but that was much quicker lol
How do those wings never clip the ground??? And what is the reasoning for the design here? Could this be made like 1000x safer with different landing gear?
That window is very non mobile friendly lol I can see half of 3 lines and that is it. Guess I'll have something to read when I get back to my PC...
To even consider this and NMS in the same thought is a major :( That's like comparing apples to a molecule on an apple stem
Been playing as much as possible since release. Happy to say right now I am 1 step away from finishing that fucking crucible bounty on my warlock and that will be every possible quest done for one character so far. Next its Titan and Hunter who I’ve only dabbled with a bit since TKK. For anyone on the fence still, the…
That is a stretch. The jacket looks like shit, doesnt seem entitled at all to me. It is a critique.
Just checked on IE and it loaded up right away. Seems like it is indeed a Chrome issue.
Well you know I can’t miss my highlite reel so I went there as soon as the embedded video wouldn’t play! Great as always sir.
Whats with the new Kotaku video playback? First I couldn’t get Evans vids from that sweet looking game Jotun to load and now these. NOOOOOOO!!!! What was wrong with YT?
Still banking on the fact that it will start when you hit gunsmith rank 5. Come Tuesday it should be when the first rank 5 gets hit.
Anyone remember way back there was a FPS South Park game? Distinctly remember throwing snowballs at turkeys. Im not crazy right?
Get it while it’s good. 1000% chance this gets hotfixed the absolute moment they can come reset on Tuesday. Hell maybe even earlier.
Took me all of 3 hours to find a way to exploit it lol
Scourge of Winter sir. Widdle down the Ultras health at the end, use a coin, kamikaze into the boss with a rocket and die as you kill him. Exotic engram or not you will respawn outside the boss door to do it all again. Engrams don't dissappear on respawn. You see where this is going right?
Uh it makes sense the only people really complaining are those not playing it... Anyone playing it is too busy enjoying it to bitch online. I mean the game and ALL the DLC is available for the original price tag of 60 for any real newcomer and anyone who doesn’t want to upgrade can sell the base game and at least get…
I did for some of them. And still my vault is at 71/72 weapons and armor is 72/72 in the vault haha tonight I do the great exotic purge. THANK YOU BLUEPRINTS!!!