
Screw you. Seriously. I did not give myself diabetes by eating sugar. I got it when I was 29 and I'm 31 now. My parents did not do anything wrong and I didn't either. And thanks very much, but I pay quite enough for my insulin. Diabetes stuff is not very well covered under insurance, which you should be happy about.

Thanks for pointing out the logical flaw in "eating sugar in a way to fuck your pancreas up." I don't even want to reply to that person, so I'm glad you did. Ok, I am going to.

Well, Jan74 explained virtually all of the medical inaccuracies so I am just going to add my perspective as a 13 year old with Type 1 Diabetes.

Thank you for.. addressing this! Pretty much covered all the things I was planning to reply with.

I could kiss you right now. Come here and let me at least give you a hug.

I remember people, a while ago here on Jez, discussing the ableism in the amputation related smoking ads specifically... but yeah, little outcry in the general population.

To your point re: wheelchairs: Have you seen the new(ish) anti-smoking commercials? They are totally using disabilities to scare the shit out of people, and presenting all of these people with cancer/tracheotomies/amputations as a consequence of smoking. I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just saying the whole idea

But there is no research that shows higher sugar consumption increases the likelihood of developing Type 2 Diabetes at all. There is a statistical relationship between higher body weight and Type 2 Diabetes - 1/3 of healthy adults (as in, non-diabetic) are obese, and 2/3 of T2 Diabetic adults are obese. So there is a

I feel like you're mostly confused about diabetes, and the correlation between developing it and consuming sugar... but at least you are aware that skinny people can have diabetes. They can. Even Type 2 Diabetes, which most people associate with obesity.

I'm sure he's less psychologically-intriguing than the presumably-grown-ass man making rape threats from behind a Pokemon avatar.

"Rape you with a traffic cone out of anger" guy needs a goddamn shock collar.

Clearly you've not been with a woman, otherwise you'd know —it doesn't smell like "low tide."

The massive number of absolute crazy people this kind of topic attracts.

The kind of man who only sees vaginas by giving his credit card to porn sites.

Someone who has a visit from Chris Hansen in his future.

15-year-olds who have never had sex and have only seen the porn of the last ten years.

The same people who go, "HAA HAA, she has a VAGINA!! That's a HOLE!!!"

Double standards are a thing and so are idiots.