Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I could care less what anyone does with their crotch, Im a product of the culture too! But the willful ignorance and the plain stupidity of most of these posters is appalling.
Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I could care less what anyone does with their crotch, Im a product of the culture too! But the willful ignorance and the plain stupidity of most of these posters is appalling.
Youre mom is as dumb a fuck as you are. Nobody told you what to do with your crotch, shes telling you the origins of why youre so disgusted with your body and youre throwing strawmen because you have no valid argument to FACTS.
You are a dumbfuck who knows nothing about the history of woman kind, and is bringing up the same lame strawman. You know more about the history of strawmenkind. Shoo, fly.
Im sorry, the word dumbfuck cannot be more liberally applied on this thread. Fuvcking learn to comprehend reading. Youre bringing a moronic strawman up and you dont know fuckshit about the history of woman. If you think shaving your pubes off is the default of the feminine experience in the history of womankin, you…
Did i miss something? Have you told anyone not to do whatever they fucking want with their pubic hair? That is not the issue, but all these indignant, willfully ignorant people are using it as a strawman. Awww the hurt they feel over this, them choosing their choice and their choice is that they hate their gross…
Yeah its gross, isnt it? These people are evidence of the some people you can fool sometimes. Who doesnt cringe at people who've internalized self-hatred so seemlessly? I guess that's why he called them fools.
Oh but what about the ancient egyptians?!?!?!
This thing was started by the porn industry from the 1980s onward, until the area was ALL BARE. You are an ignorant ass. We are talking about the recent & present culture we live in, not ancient egypt, dumbfuck.
Oh fuck off with your selfrighteous ignorant self.
you are dumb. d.u. m. that dumb. I havent seen anyone try to shame OH! HEAVENS! THE OOOOOOOLDS! anyone else. or tell them they are anti-feminist. What i have seen is someone telling the truth about why SO MANY girls are brought up to please men with this little cultural thing. And the rationalizations behind…
And yet the hair on your head gets sweaty and stinky and is an inconvience at times, but you dont feel that way about that hair. Right. I dont wonder why; I know why.
Ha; you are stuck in a dungheap of posters who want you to believe they choose their choices !!!11!1 And that they live in a vacuum. Rationalizations are so transparent. I think some of them hate their moms, too. Hate to the olds! Who actually know something and arent whiny narcissistic brats.
You can trim your hair, you know,and you wont get mats. Yore not dumb enough that you never thought of that, right? Or that using a tampon will keep the blood from congealing on your hair?
I cant star you enough.
Rape culture is a problem because it makes women feel they will be raped, absolutely. Rape culture fosters an environment were rape is used as a threat against women, and hence make women feel they will be raped. There's more curtailing of women's lives through the threat of rape than rape itself. In fact, nearly ever…
Oh, everyone did> We all take it youre a dumbfuck troll. Go fuck yourself.
Ignore that dumbfuck. They get off on trolling.
It's the cookie thing once again. He thinks he gets a cookie for vaguely understanding women's issues, and not getting the point at all, or why he should get this for learning it in his fucking 40s. And I feel that way about any man who has lived to his 40s and didnt realize women had some troubling issues facing…
You need to go fuck yourself. I say, sincerely. Or, Wouldnt it be funny if you got gang-raped right now? I mean, HIlarious, isnt it? Dumbfuck.
Thank you, YES. And how the fuck does he know that Tosh might have turned that statement he made around as an attack on rape? He KNOWS tosh was angry at the woman for 'heckling', and so he knows that tosh said something vile misogynist and THREATENING, meant to terrorize that woman in front of him, in anger to her and…