
I’m down!

(It’s worth noting that they’re very happy with the Accord)

Okay, so David, these folks had every reasonable reason to kick you and your Jeeps to the curb. So, instead, they invite you over to have fried chicken and offer you their own back yard for hooning. Never mind the fact they haven’t hired someone to murder you after buying the Accord from Hell off of you.

There is only

So do I.

I love your landlords.

1st Gear - Basic economics. When people talk about adjusting something to “make life better for the Average American”, they often leave everything else static. You hear it all the time. “We’ll raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour!” But what they don’t add is that when the sellers realize that the buyers have more

Of course it’s going to be difficult to fire back up supply chains; that’s our fault for letting them wither on the vine during the offshoring craze. But, once they’re re-established; it works. If you distill it down, you’re complaining about it being hard to start up a company - no sh!t??!!

Could we fly him to the moon and let him play among the stars... forever?

This is how I am going to picture all the Jalop staff from now on. Those aren’t your cars, those are you guys.

Inb4 “Hurr durr issa boat/FCA reliability/who needs 840hp/it’s too big”.

Why that’s merely huge. It’s barely enormous!

Bullet trains frequently struggle to compete with passenger air travel over distances of more than a few hundred miles. Low-cost airlines in Europe have cut hard into the revenue of passenger rail, and long-distance passenger rail was and is basically never profitable in the US (not even when the alternative was

My dad did this a few times with the ‘ol Yukon. But we also dug out around the stumps and chainsawed most of the roots.

Do dry (no booze allowed) countries have a version of “hold my beer” before they do something stupid?

The line from LA to SF? You mean the one that is wildly behind schedule, billions of dollars over budget and was supposed to have the easy central valley line open last year but has yet to lay a mile of track? Goodness, they haven’t even secured the right-of-ways for the first segment yet and at the rate they are

The infrastructure necessary for bullet trains isn’t cost effective in NA.

Do people hate bullet trains? Is that a thing?

Don’t forget the Onion Rings!

You were the runner up. And for that I give you... a hamburger...

At least in Europe they have both Seat (affordable and sporty) and Skoda (affordable and practical) below VW. And in places like South America, India and South Africa they do sell affordable cars which wouldn’t sell well in the US where most people want luxury (that’s how the US gets Acura, Infiniti, Genesis, etc...).