
Much like Donald Trump these Mustangs are known to veer wildly in random directions once they start going

You talk as if they have complete control over executive pay. Good executives have other options.

Carrier folded to Trump because its parent company, United Technologies is a defense contractor. Essentially, Carrier is the loss leader for lucrative military contracts thanks to Trump.

...and if that doesn’t work, they can always threaten to move more jobs offshore until they get the tariffs lifted and special tax breaks in addition.

Advocating for policy which eases supply chain management (on both the trade barrier and currency sides), pushing for regulatory reform/caution which reflects their technological investments, and saying smart things about how tariffs work in the world trade system (not on one trade partner, on all trade partners) are

Trump isn’t really a Republican in much of the standard definitions of the party.

I was being sarcastic in a way. The reason that that the labor is so cheap is because companies have to pay the “wages” to the government and then the government pays the people. The government, or better put, dictatorship, would never allow for a minimum wage, because that would mean less money in their pocket. I

You couldn’t be more wrong. The military runs Cuba - has ever since la revolucion. Nothing about how Cuba operates changed when Fidel ate it.

As I said, nothing changed on Friday. And yes, we have relations now and there have been some, mostly economic reforms. Political repression is still rampant.

When it comes to Cuba, I’ll listen to the tens of thousands of Cubans that celebrated his death and did everything to escape that man and his oppressive government. People who have actually had to experience him, as opposed to white SJW’s who try to hold him up as someone to be admired because he hated America.

No one dening Fidels Castro human rights record. But there is a time and a place for everything.

Castro’s death gives Cuba a short window of opportunity to move away from totalitarian oppression. Raul could easily gain favor from the people, improve their lives and the economy by moving towards a more open and free system. The USA can offer the carrot of free travel and trade in exchange for freedom of the Cuban

The problem is they can’t afford our cool shit. No matter how hard you try. Their average salary is $25 a month. And if the embargo was lifted, their salaries wouldn’t increase. Since they are paid directly by their employers, but by the government.

NATO has been operating on Russia’s doorstep for decades. Why wouldn’t Putin at least try?

Those college kids are dumb and Prime Ministers, in theory, aren’t supposed to be dumb.

“Give authoritarians more money” is certainly an interesting talking point from Tankies.

“of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights”

“religious and political freedom for the Cuban people. And the freeing of political prisoners.”

Trudeau’s wasn’t being politically correct. He genuinely admired Castro which is even more embarrassing.

Hey, if it means he can put a hotel there, the Donald is down.