
Looking at that pagani needs to make a zonda successor with cleaner lines.

Did he intentionally put it in the wall? Well played if so, that next turn could have been very ugly.

We put them there for our nation’s defense, something that is still quite necessary, the fact that towns cropped up around them I’d say is making good use of them.

There isn’t a lot of roads where there are no people look at a damn map.

You dont matter because you are an asshole.

The eastern seaboard has a larger population than any country in Europe except Russia, and we have to pave the rest of the country. There are 30 million more people on the eastern seaboard than Germany and in a larger area. This isn’t rocket science.

Sounds like a good time to catch up with demand.

I imagine Germany has a larger budget to play with than New York. It is after all a nation. We share the load here, unless you want to abandon all but the large cities in the vast open area that makes up our country, then our transportation system isn’t going to match countries like germany, or Japan, and that’s just

Hit up auctions. The first hint of a problem people head online realise they don’t really know what they have got themselves into and dump it. My “needs a rebuild” rx8 had the injectors installed wrong. It cost me zero dollars, and the car was a quarter of blue book value. Hunt auctions and wait for a frustrated

It’s not hate, it’s the truth. They are great cars for the right kind of owner, if you look at it as an investment or a good value you will be disappointed. If you can’t turn a wrench, well... it’s gonna hurt really bad. Mechanics fuck them up all the time, hell Mazda fucks them up, and their own engineers still don’t

The only similar density cities would be cities like New York and Chicago and with their public transportation I’d argue we do more or less.

Because their countries are half the size of most states.

The best thing about owning a rotory in Texas.. “It’s a 1.3? What?” Looks at me like I’ve put a badge on there just to fuck with them.

Nonsense, we live in trying times.

What the hell is a sound tube? If a mechanic ever tells me I need a new sound tube he’s gonna lose the one in his neck.

the battlefields are littered with weapons. The houses and whatnot around them have some nice surprises too. There is a ton of money just lying on the ground.

Every time I try and watch one of these the audio is always wildly out of sync with the video. I’m on a phone and I use chrome, any suggestions?

Just a guess, but it’s probably faster to keep the speed and give up on the late apex to maintain downforce. Cars that rely on aero take that line, but I have no idea how much downforce this car is capable of.

Which kinda looks like a Mercedes from 10 yrs earlier.

Accusations like that can open you up to lawsuits though, and Bentley wouldn’t have a leg to stand on saying the continental was copied.