


Ghosts on PS4 running on 1080p but suffering frame rate? Patch it up!!


NSFW?.....How about NSFL!!


The OG MGS2 is not canon, nor did Hideo have anything to do with it. He went from the original MG to MGS and the rest is histoey! So saying it was the best or one of the best in the franchise is blasphemy!!!

When it comes to the Metal Gear franchise, it's best to not try and understand everything and just go with the flow of each game. Otherwise, you will go insane trying to figure it out! If Hideo can't keep it together, what chance do we honestly have? Seriously! LALILULELO......sure!

Well at least now the inglorious PC master race can see pictures of what we, the console common sense race is enjoying. LOL!!

The PS4 and Xbone are so similar, that you think they stole of each other when designing the systems....down to the color scheme (dull&shiny black).


She didn't quite pull it off!

That jumbo jet looks like the Xbone coming in for the next gen launch!

Target employees NEED to get fired for this fiasco!!!

They first skewer him in the fire and then invite him to a launch event? MS is really sadistic!!!

I contacted the old lady via Ebay and she seemed sincere. She said she pulled it to avoid any issues when she found out it would not be usable until the 22nd.

keep dreaming, bro! KZ is the shooter you wish MS could call their own!

Just be quiet, tool!

Seller ended auction. Either MS lawyers called him or the attention got to intense for him.

And the mighty PC master race says that pc's are the better choice and superior to consoles? Sure boys!!!