Dog in a Manger


Jesus that's hilarious/sad.

Gotcha, I'd never seen that, that is certainly grounds for being called a douche.

American astronaut Reid Wiseman, captured the moment he realized that those tasty homemade cookies he had ordered would never reach him.


I'm teary-eyed with joy that even my great-grandchildren will be able to experience the wonder that is a new edition of a Zonda.

1. Not generally a fan of judging people by a single photo. I hate people who call guys "douches" just because they can't stand to see a someone in a suit, sporting a cocky grin. I also despise jerks who call overweight people "lazy fatasses" without knowing a single thing about them. If you are that person, I

What makes a guy a "fucking douchebro"? Granted I'm not exactly educated in terms of prior seasons of The Bachelorette, but judging by interviews I've seen with him, he seems like a fairly normal (albeit handsome) farmer from Iowa.