
Be forewarned that content filters aren't perfect. They can easily be fooled by crafty webmasters. Here are a few examples.

It's been perfect in the Midwest this year.

I have had a Facebook account for several years. I still can't find a use for it. It's pointless when you have no friends. I used to have friends but they brought my lawnmower back empty and missing a wheel. I am so lucky. :)

I have Windows Vista Home Premium. I recently reinstalled it and all other applications function fine. All parts of TubeMaster function but not the capture function. I have installed the latest version of Java. I have used both version 1.0 Beta and version 1.1. I have even run it in the Administrator mode. No matter

Like you said some don't have CD/DVD so I see no problem with it. I hope it's not one of those slooooooooooow flash drives that takes forever to format and to save to like "PNY".

I used to live in an apartment above the dryer section of a clothes laundry. It was very hot up there and we weren't allowed to use an air conditioner.

Why would anyone want to take a picture of their food in a Restaurant or anywhere else? Everyone I know can't wait to eat. If I had done that when I was a kid Dad would have smacked me and sent me to bed with no supper. What a crzy world. hahahahaha

Oh peachy I downloaded 3.5 RC3 and half of the links I came to had to be dragged to the tab bar instead of being clicked on. Sure hope they get that fixed by next week's release date.

In Firefox CTRL+L doesnot work without the Openbox addon.

Every major website promotes more web surfing :)

After a few attempts you will likely penatrate the gas cannister. Then "Flicking Your Bic" will put you in the burn ward at the hospital.

Petroleum Jelly is better for your skin than anything else. It will also remove all of your pain if you have Psoriasis.

I love Voicemail. I have had no problems with it. I use [] prepaid phone service with free Voicemail. I pay $15.00 a month. uses [] to process their online billing. They charge $5.00 U.S. Currency for their service. You better stick with paper billing if you don't want to pay this fee.

I have used 3.1b3 with Nightly Tester Tools. I was very disappointed. I couldn't see much difference in it and 3.0.7. And it crashed a lot on this Vista laptop.

I wish they would give us about:config like Firefox has. Not the lame opera:config that Opera has. The more we can customize it ourselves the more popular it will become. If it's open source why can't we have that?

I have a page I made with all of's weather maps and local weather videos on it that I use for new tabs. It has search engines and links to videos on it.

Anyone that could be distracted this easily should find a new hobby.

I always thought the labels were useless. I all I do is search for what I want and it always comes up. Labels are just something to waste more of my time. I would rather have folders like the old days.