
Wrong. Unless you’re running the tank completely dry this is basically a non-issue. The worst that might happen is you suck up a little tank sludge and ruin for fuel filter, but the pump will be fine. Pumps typically start to become uncovered at about half a tank left, most people drive to a quarter or less, and

Not contradicting that running low is a bad idea, but modern vehicles with EFPs will shut off the pump in a matter of seconds if no fuel pressure is detected. The likelihood of damage is minimal.

Well, to the pump that is. The likelihood of damage to your sex life\relationship resulting from your significant other’s

Also, the comments here are a fun way to practice your logical fallacy detection skills. I love it when I see cognitive dissonance!!!!

I guess the underlying assumption to all this is that the FDA knows what they’re talking about... I’m guessing the change has little to do with health and more to do about import/export issues for chemical manufacturers (I work for one). Oh, and I’ve never been an antibacterial soap person - old fashioned bar of soap

I’m surprised at the FDA’s ruling. I thought for sure they’d...

I like turning on the live HD feeds from the International Space Station, which is similar to this. They get blackouts once in a while when they’re drifting over a spot where there are no relay stations, but for the most part, quite cool to have on.

Without even knowing him, I have to say “He’s a good boy.”

Thanks for a great article. I bought a 2016 Subaru Legacy Limited and the only place I found the octane recommendation was in the owner manual, and it indicates to use the middle grade (depends on altitude I think, usually 89 here in CO). I’ve been dropping ‘the cheap stuff’ 87 octane into it because to me the 2.5L

Nah, I’ll keep playing both PC and console so that I can enjoy more games instead of spending all of my time just putting down everyone else for not having fun right.

Agreed - give me extreme levels of AA and I’ll be way happier than the jump to 4k for a long time to come.

Does anyone really expect the “4K Gaming” of these things to be actual, f’real, native 4K assets and resolution? I assume they’re just gonna take the same 1080 render, upscale it internally, and push that to my TV as a 4K video stream. Sure, my television will see it as a 4K source, but that’s not REALLLLLLY 4K

“Should you get one of these dumbed down PCs that are desperate to iterate on your wallet every 2 years?”

My BS detector went off too, but whaddya gonna do? It’s the internet and anyone can be whomever they want to be, especially when they’re supposedly concerned with maintaining their anonymity.

Hulu + Netflix + HBO NOW. Most of the major shows, available to watch almost anywhere, almost as soon as they air, for ~$40/month.

So you drop cable altogether, since it is utter shit.

The correct answer: If you change the roll, you get to choose. If you don’t change the roll, keep your opinion to yourself.

Well, I’m a compulsive gambler. I frequently hit my wife. I swear. Like a lot. I’m functionally illiterate. I don’t wash my hands after going to the bathroom. I am terrible at math. I sweat, even when it’s cold. I once killed a drifter. I have chronic halitosis. I spoil the endings of books and movies for people. I’m


My greatest weakness is the inability to hide my annoyance when I’m asked questions which were novel in 1993.

I try to taste wines before I buy them as well. This is the "in a pinch" tip that might help make a decision.