
Specifics. What ordinance was he in violation of?

Jesus Christ, man...

It’s amazing. It’s like these organizations exist in some alternate reality where their customers haven’t experienced roughly 40 years of wage stagnation. It’s like they exist in some kind of quantum universe where often despite their best efforts these organizations continue to eat chicken feed and shit solid gold

Good fucking god, are you fucking serious with this bullshit? I’ve seen my fellow liberals in denial for three months now, waited patiently for it to turn into something actually useful, and now... this?

Unfortunately, the Democratic Party sold unions and their memberships down the river long ago. By the early 90's Democrats were tired of losing presidential elections. They read the tea leaves - union membership was dwindling. Adopting a far more business friendly approach while championing the environment,

What the hell is wrong with these miserable people, not willing to stop and have a simple conversation with the angry mob hurling insults at them. Must be because they are burdened with crippling guilt! It’s the only explanation!

Oh God not this granola shit again...

So Tom Brady is peddling magic pajamas and the cream of the sporting press is writing him ad copy disguised as journalism.

Because they are more or less just like any other large American network carrier, and people choose their flights based primarily on cost and convenience?

The FAs are not going to give you a hard time if you wait at least a couple of minutes after wheels up, so they know there is no takeoff related emergency they are going to have to deal with. I have seen people use the rest room shortly after takeoff, before cruise, when the seat belt sign was on with no issues.

Wait, what? WTF are you talking about? You do realize that SW was originally released in 1977, and there was no cloud or internet back then, right?

Captain Antilles, Admiral Ozzell, and Captain Needa might disagree.

They only bring top men through their flight school.

It’s not a dumb excuse, it’s a direct prequel to a movie from 1977. Back then spaceships, lasers, and planet destroying space stations were considered legitimate sci fi staples, but the idea that you could upload information to a “cloud” that was instantly accessible to anyone anywhere was completely unheard of. The

And he couldn’t even get out of his Sully review, a movie about an airline pilot landing a plane on the Hudson, without mentioning Trump 2 or 3 times and Hillary Clinton once. FFS.

deleted for repetitiveness

Yeah, no. I always found that kind of complete moral relativism to be utter horseshit. Of course the murderer and cannibal and Nazi have their own point of view. By no stretch does that mean those points of view are valid. I don’t find the cannibals desire to continue catching and eating people to be no different than

Tess, Sam, and Henry are dead. So are the people in the storm drain. As far as the safe zone people are concerned, they would be trading life under one militia for life under another. Tommy and the rest of his community were doing just fine without a vaccine. As presented in the game, the rest of the human race were

At no point, except after she was unconscious, was it clear that examining her immunity would cost her life. Remember, it wasn’t the plague that killed Joel’s daughter. She died when a governmental/military organization arbitrarily decided she had to be killed for the greater good. There’s no way Joel could let that

Let’s be clear here: there was never going to be a “cure.” Once a disease reaches the stage like it does with a clicker or any of the other creatures, there’s no bringing them back. No cure is going to restore that destoyed mutated tissue or magically reform brain tissue. Those former people are lost. Forever. No,