
Rebecca, why did you even take the time to type all this out?

Oh yes, nothing like sending a stern letter to a guy who has never had to suffer real consequences for his bullshit and is infamous for not being much a reader.

Fucking hell, just look at how many corporations paid zero taxes last year thanks to Trump, and remember how many contribute to Pelosi as well.

He’s not under oath in a TV interview. He’s under oath while testifying on the stand, and his statements become legal record and can be used as basis for enacting prosecution.

And when you look and see how many companies paid little to no taxes last year, thanks to Trump, it’ll be pretty clear that he’ll never be busted until the party ends for everyone else.

There’s really no one in the Dem leadership that understands this? 

Accountability is only for the rest of us, apparently.


Patch notes: Kinja has been updated to increase user engagement

That’s what I get for engaging a dumb turd in the first place

A 30-ton tank that uses incredibly unwieldy munitions is a lot harder to put into use than a 6 lb. rifle that has ammunition readily and widely available for it.

You’re trying way too hard to show us all how stupid you are at trying to be clever

Well, aren’t you just the helpless, hopeless moron on the scene

Have we learned nothing from the abysmal failure that is the war on drugs, which caused prison populations to explode while doing nothing to actually stop people from using?

Meanwhile, checking in on Milo Yanniwhatever, he’s been denied platform everywhere he goes now and is apparently broke since he can’t work his grift without a platform in the first place.

Meanwhile, Milo Yannisomething has been so deplatformed that he’s broke and can’t even get welcomed at a furry convention.

Weird, I figured if the CEOS of so many companies actually wanted something done, they’d just go about it the way they usually do and lobby for it.

Oh I know, mouth-breathing morons and dipshits really don’t like me, it’s not surprising at all why

Poor Jeff Bezos can’t afford to pay his staff a decent wage, has anyone started passing a hat around for him? How terrible to be so destitute!