
Oh, you can click “reply” and type things into the box and then hit “Publish,” yeah that’s great stuff kid we’re all very proud of you

Yes, we can all see you have tremendous experience being a drooling moron, congratulations

You’re trying really hard to overlook the fact that the manager refused the customer service for which he had already paid, and refused to actually, you know, serve the customer without any clear, appropriate reason for the refusal. That he was refunded his money is irrelevant to how he was treated by the manager in

Don’t forget to clean up the drool you leave everywhere, genius.

That’s right, Appeasement Pelosi, that’s been the winning strategy throughout history and how a democratic government should be run! A P P E A S E M E N T

When will they quit chasing mythical centrists with Republican-light policies and actually act like fucking leftists?

This is the best that America can do.

Gosh, it’s almost like services like GoFundMe don’t do any actual due diligence in ensuring that those who use their platform are not engaging in illegal activities


The people who truly believe in Trump scare the shit out of me for the simple fact that he could say whatever the fuck he wanted and they’d be right there with him.

Dumbest thing I’ve seen so far today:

If you could only have one, would you fuck off or go fuck yourself?

16 years old is old enough to know what bullying is and old enough to know that being victimized for laughs isn’t a positive experience

You gotta be a boring, tedious motherfucker to care enough to go onto an article about one of the most ubiquitous fast food chains to express how much more sophisticated your palate obviously is than to even so much as breathe such common food

Your “point” is to defend the act of filming other people in a public bathroom without their consent, so fuck off already with your dipshit clownshoes act. You have creepy interests and stupid ways of spending your time, as evidenced thus far. Keep it up?

I like how Nadler ends with saying the transcript will be made promptly available to the public, to which I could only point out that we all could save a step and just have it be a publicly viewable hearing.

but because it was a camera lens they’re spazzing out.

Why are you so determined to justify and defend behavior that is invasive, creepy as fuck, and not legal pretty much anywhere in the world? What the fuck is wrong with you to think that it’s ever okay to go into a public bathroom and film others without their consent?

Hey everyone, look at this dipshit trying to seriously say that people who commit crimes shouldn’t be punished for them

Bless your heart, child.