
So basically Porsche needs to shove the Taycan drivetrain into their SUV’s to achieve sales nirvana? If they can increase the range, an EV Macan sounds kinda exactly what this market is looking for and will provide Model 3 owners looking for something different, an option to switch. 

Is it green?  Yes.... Very.

Well said.

I love this comment.

It happened Friday, as Rob Cortis — who has owned the “bridge” since 1985"

And you wins the Interwebz for the day!

If only they would have pepper sprayed him without justification like so many of the protesters, we would have hit peak irony.

It isn’t just you, but Center-Lefts have their share of law-breaking, too. Dear Leader’s supporters are so infuriating because they smugly don’t understand why THEIR actions are illegal, so it stands out more. Center-Lefts burn shit then look at the camera, point at it, say, “I burned that shit”, and then spray paint

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

Clearly the Eagles fans aren’t PATRIOTS.

Trump supporters are like the bullies who pick on you and tell you not to snitch, until you hit them and they immediately snitch.

Is it just me, or are Dear Leader supporters the ones that seem to be always breaking the law?

Oh this is beautiful!

He should have just complied.


I think there was a point when it seemed important to show he was lying, because it was so obvious and brazen. But then it became clear that a lot of people didn't understand they were clearly lies, fact checks be damned 

I think most people who have pointed out right-wing fascist tendencies growing since the Reagan Bush years can now feel thoroughly vindicated in saying “I told you so”.

It’s really great that mainstream media has realized they can just cut away or not show the footage when Trump is lying. It only took them 5 years.

I think most people who have pointed out right-wing fascist tendencies growing since the Bush years can now feel thoroughly vindicated in saying “I told you so”.

All the “you’re being alarmist, what will you do when a REAL fascist shows up?” people – the whole half-of-an-electorate of them –have proven conclusively

How long is lunch? it can charge to 100% from empty on a level 2 in 1.8 hours. 100 miles is doable, depending on your speeds. If you’re on a tight winding road with 40 mph avg speeds, you’ll probably do okay. If you’re running up to 70 or 80 between corners, you probably won’t even make it to lunch.