
Not sure bout the “racing stripe” lights, looks too two-dimensional in the renders, need to see IRL with actual lighting, And same with the frame-less windows. Otherwise they’ve got something going there. Also, are luxo coupes still viable? [I hope so]


How do you do it? For as long as I can remember, you’ve *always* found the perfect pict. Or is that your thing? No pict, no post? Aha! I’m on to you now $kay!

Dear Lord that’s a depressing looking car.

Gawd I hate that front end. I had a 2011 Sonata Sport, it was a beautiful car, still is, but this? Looks like they’re trying to compete with BMW for the most hideous grill. Looks like a gaping catfish maw. I’ll take the G70 TYVM.

Wait, so rather than having an actual season, with several episodes, we’re just getting three more episodes spread over 2 years? Meh... I guess. I mean, let’s be real, these guys passed their sell by date a few exits back, and at this point, I wasn’t even sure if we were going to get anything beyond the current long

WTH is with all the posative camber? Is that normal for these cars or is that just an optical illusion?

Well... Like the bullet, the purchasing process is 99% [and I’m being generous here] of the reason people hate dealerships. Remove that from the equation and things wouldn’t be so bad. Imagine if you had to go through the same experience every time you wanted to buy.. IDK... Say, pants? Or groceries, or TVs. There’s a

Nice use of hyperbole there Shilling. I mean, sure, $250 billion is a *lot* of money, like a lot a lot, but is it really necessary to call it a “quart TRILLION dollars!” [said in a big booming voice with echo.]

Wait... Mitsubishi still sells cars? I honestly cant recall the last time I saw a new Mitsubishi; or a dealer for that matter. I thought they went the way of Isuzu. Maybe that’s part of their problem?

Thanks. Gotta source for the live stream? After all, if a Supercross happens, and no one is able to see it, does it really happen?

Seriously, what “everything else”?

Fuck you and your slide shows.

So this came standard in the lotus Es - prit? Hmm...

Or you could always go with white and throw in some Martini racing stripes. ;]

Just have to add, the world is a better place for having Gordon Murray in it.

You had me up until the end.

That is a serioulsy cool car. Hat’s off to Gordon Murray, you’ve done it again!

That’s it! Thank you! I knew it was a late 80s early 90s Italian car, but I couldn’t think of the exact model. [I was actually thinking Alfa] BTW I’m totally OK with this; that’s a gorgeous car. I sure hope they offer the Ioniq 5 in red.

If they can pull this off, it will be a great option for many big cities where traffic is a nightmare and parking is even worse. If they’re smart, they should already be working with local governments to designate “Micro only” parking spots. I could absolutely see this in a place like San Francisco, where people