
Honestly, if they're going to just take a random person who said something nice about the movie, why not just take the Costume Designer's nephew, or the Line Producer's sister. The poster seeing audience isn't going to know who they are, and they have just as much critical reliability as some rando on twitter. You'll


Well I know that a sample of the population has boxes, and from these numbers they estimate how many people in the country watched the show. But I always thought that a Nielsen number without context, 3.1 in the demo, say, meant that 3.1 million people in the demo watched, rather than 3.1 percent of people in the demo.

Wait, Nielsen numbers are a percentage of the viewing public? I always thought they were extrapolations in millions of people.

Superman: IN SPACE!

So is it safe to assume that this will be the last time The Boondock Saints is ever spoken of in anything even approaching glowing terms at the AV Club?

Mike wasn't a client of Goodman's, he had that other guy that got nabbed by the DEA and killed in prison. He just had a professional relationship with Saul.

And maybe a billionaire to throw some promotional money at it.

@avclub-ed7db929d473c5593ce0501539c6e19f:disqus As much as I want to see that movie, I think Carruth still has too much bile about that catastrophe too try it again.

Thank god.

"I guy opens his door and gets a football to the groin and you think of me. No, I am the one who kicks the football into the groin!"

Somewhere Far Away?

Please don't call it that.

That actually sounds like a non-sequitur from The Critic.

Futurama is the odd show, along with Community, that was always better the more high-concept it got. I feel like this list focuses too much on the more sitcom-y episodes. Prisoner of Benda, Farnsworth Parabox, Time Keeps on Slipping etc. are some of the series best episodes.

Maybe we should be worried about him.

I figured the Generals were due!

Why is Hank Azaria in this shit? Doesn't he have like hundreds of millions of dollars of Simpson's money?

I like that no one in The Decemberists is good looking at all. Really adds to their vibe.

Ya Hey and that annoying chipmunk filter just makes me want to break the CD in half and slit my wrists with it.