Doctor Stephen Strange

But it crippled US naval operations in the Pacific, and sent the US on a long pattern of abandonment and retreat. Were there other ships out there? Sure. Could they withstand Japan, not on their best day. I’m even sure the Japanese celebrated destroying America’s navy. Likewise with the First Order and the New

“That would be like having the entire US Navy all tied up to the piers in Norfolk.”

Just because he is good at one aspect of using the Force doesn’t mean he is good with a giant sword. Kylo’s problem is that his rage distracts him from his other possibilities. He just started trying to bash Finn’s head in with a half beserk attack.

I would actually really love to see that movie. The way you could play with people’s perceptions. Don’t call it Adolf, just let the feel good story of a down on his luck war vet rise from underdog to savoir of his country. Only after it has become massively popular do you reveal it is the story of Adolf Hitler