
The reason drinks became larger is because a theater executive named David Wallerstein figured out customers both wanted more drink, but felt bad about going back and buying a second one. On the other hand, they WOULDN’T feel bad about buying a larger size at the initial purchase.

Any vehicle that can only sit 2 people comfortably is useless to me. 

Counterpoint: it is tiny, and it is a compact truck. And there’s nothing wrong with that. 

How do you suggest to get a remotely similar sample size of data without it equipped on consumer vehicles?

I’d still argue that you NEED the lower level systems collecting data in order to build a level 4 or 5 system. You can semantics it all you want, but that data is going to be absolutely critical to building the software up to a good enough point where it has even the CHANCE of being a level 4 or level 5 system. You

I recently was in the market for a mid size (ha) pickup. Something like a Ram or a F150 is just too honkin big for my needs, and won’t fit in my garage anyway. It came down to two options. Ranger, and Tacoma. The one thing that kept the Tacoma in the running is that it can come in a manual. In the end I got a Ranger

Anything that uses piano black as a “fancy” interior surface.

I’m sorry, but 90's GM plastic is nicer than your piano black garbage. 

And it must be body on frame. Don’t for that. VERY important. 

Bold of you to assume they’ll be driven. 

Wow, a movie released during the pandemic did worse in theaters than previous movies released before the pandemic. Shocking.

I mean, I’ve seen every marvel movie in theaters up till now, but I have ZERO desire to go back to theaters anytime soon. Yeah. No thank you. 

So, how many YEARS was she expecting them to delay it? Because things aren’t getting better. 

They’ve both said they’ve never talked to eachother after this was alleged to have happened, but before this story was make public. Meaning they denied it before there was anything to even deny. This never happened an the intern that the guy writing the book that heard the story from second hand either made it up or

He’s tweeted that he never spoke to him before this story came out, but well after this alleged phone call. Cook says he’s never spoke to Musk. Apple said this never happened too.

This never happened.

I’m sure there will be a follow up in 5 days saying they were wrong, like the article about the “Broken” tesla airbag.

Or whatever intern the story came from made it up. 

Musk says it didn’t happen
Cook says it didn’t happen
Apple says it didn’t happen
Both musk and cook have stated publically that they’ve never spoken between when this was supposed to have happened and when this book launched.

I dunno man, I think it might not have happened. 

At least you can disable auto start stop by putting it in S mode, or unplugging one wire near the battery, or getting an auto start stop eliminator harness, or disabling it in ForSCAN or by plugging ANYTHING, like say a dollar store night light into the outlet on the center console.

I owned a dodge for 7 years and I don’t think I ever used the radio controls on the radio. That entire set of buttons was basically irrelevant to me because the controls on the back of the steering wheel are SO GOOD.

Those mopar audio controls on the back of the wheel are awesome, intuitive to use, and one of the things I miss about my old car. I don’t think in 7 years of ownership  I ever used the radio controls on the actual radio 

How’d that work out for ya?