
This is one of the few cars that I like better without pop up headlights. That said, this is a really nice example. 

I have a similar but older bar without the subwoofer (I lived in a duplex when I bought it) and it works great.

I have a similar but older bar without the subwoofer (I lived in a duplex when I bought it) and it works great.

Out of warranty Rovers are a crack pipe at any price. 

For me it’s been everything NECA is doing with Ninja Turtles. Be it the movies or the toons, their figures are AMAZING. 

I’m pretty sure being high IS a requirement to watch this film. 

TonyPacos is overrated. Except for the pickles.

The real gem is down the street at the Green Lantern Cafe. It’s just a little hole in the wall burger stand that is only open for breakfast and lunch. BUT it has the double goupie, which is this like special sausage blend burger that is SO SO SO GOOD.

Honestly, I don’t mind this. For functions that my car has both physical and on screen controls, I don’t think I’ve used the actual buttons more than a handful of times.

If it’s not on my steering wheel, I reach for the touchscreen. 

The art museum is pretty nice too. The glass blowing bit is fun. 

I hate myself for liking this thing. How dare you do this to me. ON MY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYTHING. 

My local Pick-a-part scraps UPS trucks.

They are CRAZY serious about not allowing any parts be reused. They get to pull the drivetrain but absolutely EVERYTHING else must be crushed.

My friend wanted a headlight. Even wrote UPS to ask if it was ok. Nope. No can do. It’s gotta be destroyed.

Dude watch the video, they had dual fuel tanks and a team ready to go at their pit stops to where they pulled in, and hand 2 pumps going at once. 

If you people don’t stop this insanity, we’re gonna have to rescind Manhattan’s car privileges”


It’ll make it a better city.

My uncle who refuses to speak with me in Grand Junction would tell you otherwise. He disowned me for being too liberal after I went off on him for posting on facebook how much he loved the Confederate flag one too many times.

Insufferable windbag continues to be insufferable, news at 11.

The only Cody I know is black, but he’s a woman-beating little bitch who constantly puts bruises on my best friend who still won’t leave his dumbass.

So, still trash. 

WAIT This is real? They are building this. It will drive on the streets and be a real thing?


This is so buried in the comments but I think you’ve won.

Grabber blue is the only good color it comes in, and there’s only one option package with grabber blue. Configurator not needed. 

I kinda hate that I... don’t hate it.

Look if we can have a Porsche SUV and a Lamborghini SUV, we can have a Mustang SUV.

The answer to “My dealer quoted me, am I getting ripped off” is usually yes.