
I’m sure they did Nazi how an evil dictator could end up with their cars 

All 12 people who would have gotten the manual weep

To be fair the federation doesn’t even use currency, and they have replicator technology

It’s never too soon. Humor is a valid coping mechanism with tragedy.

The hourly trend for it is hilarious. You can see when the episode leaked, and then when it went live 

I spent the whole day waiting to see the google search for “Maisie Williams age” spike after the episode leaked early.

Sure enough, HUGE spike.

Or the J10. 

I mean, it IS a political statement, that violates their TOS.

Doesn’t make them any less of assholes for enforcing it though. 

No, its still worth well over that..... 

No, that was just user error from a confusing shifter. This is a mechanical error. 

I’d say mine doesn’t but I got rear ended HARD while stopped at a light by an idiot Michigan Driver a couple days ago. Pushed me into the next lane and an evo took out the front end too. Did $8,000 worth of damage by the insurance estimate.

same designer though. 

All cars should come in Orange.

Good news! Flint’s water has tested within acceptable levels since 2016! 

Flint’s water has tested within acceptable levels since 2016. At this point flint likely has better water than A LOT of American cities who also have ageing infrastructure.  

There are buildings recently built I’d feel just as terrible if we lost.
Much of Frank Lloyd Wright’s work comes to mind.
The word trade center was on that list.
The Empire state and chrysler building

You know what the best game launcher is? An icon, on my desktop that launches the game, linked to the .exe. No damn launcher service required.

The last time I had GPS give me bad directions was when I went to the 2008 Sharpie 500 at Bristol Motor Speedway, my tom tom INSISTED that my hotel was in the middle of a bridge.

No, it’s rhetorical. However every restaurant I’ve ever worked in, which granted, is a small sample size, has basically said “if you ever claim less tips than needed to bring your pay up to minimum wage you’re fired”

That was really fun when I frequently had only 2 tables, in the back of the smoking section, at a big

We could start tipping on time instead. Every 30 minutes you are in a seat, you tip $5. Why should Sue at Big Boy make less than Stacy at Olive Garden just because the menu is less expensive?