
Make your son his own save file/profile and start over! 

Single cab’s aren’t practical. They only seat 3. That makes them inherently flawed and limited. 

I really like them but I also remember tires having raised white lettering on it as a kid and being obsessed with keeping them clean on the family car. Along with Whitewall tires.

They’re just a cooler version of whitewalls and white lettering to me. 

Welp. Time to head over to Shitty Car Mods on reddit to see if this is posted yet. 

PLEASE PLEASE Don’t part ways with this thing. Restore it. Go all out. Don’t wait. Do it now. 

I so desperately want to see you do that full restoration on it. It deserves it. You deserve it. Imagine, bringing this beauty back to actual beauty.

I mean, we’ve seen “buy pile of rust that is vaguely jeep shaped and get it

They inhaled all the magic smoke. 

They turned a profit this quarter. So... carry the 4.... square root of.... screw it I”m tired. 

Doing your part to Keep Austin Weird. 

Safety inspections?
I assume you’ve never been to Michigan. 

I keep hoping that instead of the same cycle of “buy rustiest jeep I can find, make it as close to drivable as possible, take it to moab” you’d do something different.

Like, let’s say, a decent restoration on that J10.

I came down here to say the same thing.

Here. Have a star. 

As a teenager I introduced my PT cruiser to a ditch. At speed.

When it is no longer covered under any factory warranty. 

PLEASE DO. Report back. I will give you one virtual cookie for it.

Which while not much, is still more than FF has produced.

You say this like I haven’t already image searched it, and chased this rabbit down the hole.

My dads truck in 2002 got 9 MPG. This thing gets double. 

As someone who had a near miss once on the highway from a stance bro who had a blowout and lost control, FUCK THESE PEOPLE ENTIRELY.

Maybe as a trailer queen that never moves. You know what, no. Even then. No.

Wow man. You seem entirely out of touch with reality.

Also, temp work is better than no work. Especially temp work with an end date you can prepare for. 

Wow man. You seem entirely out of touch with reality.

Also, temp work is better than no work. Especially temp work with an end date you can prepare for. 

People who give a fuck about the environment and MAGAS usually have 0 overlap.